RPG Accessories: Compact D&D

If you’re a adventurer with limited adventuring space, we have you covered with all of the tiny, space conscious, and compact D&D accessories you’ll need.
Dungeons and Dragons is a hobby that can easily take up a lot of real estate in your house. Between minis and their environments, the stacks of books, then of course your dozens and dozens of sets of dice, it’s easy to let D&D take up a lot of your physical space. But what if you don’t have a lot of space to let it take up or if your play area is small? If your a RPG enthusiast with limited space, here are some items to help keep your gaming area as itty-bitty and compact as possible.
Custom 3D by Chris’s D&D Compact D&D Compact
A good compact should be small, easy to throw in your bag and take with you, perfectly fit what you need, and remind you just a little of your childhood Mad Max and/or Polly Pocket toys. This simple compact is smartly designed and printed to hold eleven dice and get packed up in a snap thanks to 8 magnets. Plus the top is felt lined and doubles as a small dice roller. If you’re a player that shows up with a character sheet on your phone and nothing but dice to your name, this is the pocket sized dice compact that will get your tools there safe and sound.
Dark Elf Dice’s Tiny Dice
Full sized dice start taking up a ton of room after the tenth or eleventh full set, not to mention any over-sized dice or specialty sets with more than seven dice. So imagine how many more sets you’ll have room for if you start buying itty bitty little dice! Sure, you’ll have to be careful not to lose them, but I’d be lying if I tried to claim that I never had to chase a rogue d4 under a sofa or rescue a d6 from one of my cats. Dark Elf Dice’s offerings are equal parts beautiful and cute with a variety of colors and stones.
Dungeon Co’s Ultimate Companion for the Mobile AdventurerÂ
One of the most important aspects of an effectively space savvy D&D accessory is how much other stuff it allows you to leave at home. This wooden vault lets you carry your dice (large or small) and a mini. And once you get there you have handy place to prop up your phone or use as a pencil holder and another area for dice rolling. One stop shopping playing at it’s finest.
Dragonheart Design CA’s Pocket Watch Dice Case
You’re thinking about getting yourself a set of micro dice, but how to keep them safe? In this pocket watch themed dice case, of course! For the adventurer whose interests include tabletop RPGs and steampunk, there’s nothing better to show up to the table with than this stylized and very functional accessory. Pick your dice medal of choice and start fighting the clockwork golems in style.
Bestiary Notebook Set
I don’t often go for official D&D merch for these lists, but if you need a small book for game notes that will never ever be confused for anything else, the Bestiary may be your best bet. Each of the eight pocket-size notebooks comes themed with a different classic D&D monster. There’s a two page spread with artwork and a paragraph of basic information about the monster gracing the cover with their presence, and then almost fifty pages of blank grid notebook for your note taking, puzzle solving, and map drawing needs.
What’s your favorite mini D&D accessory? Do you have a giant gaming setup, or do you need accessories that lean a little more space conscious? Do you use micro dice or are you worried you’ll lose them? Let us know in the comments!
Happy Adventuring!