Tabletop Kickstarter Round-Up: July 15, 2020

Battle in the frozen Iron Kingdoms, add some urban sci-fi terrain to your skirmish games, and get your kiddos into RPGs with a game co-written by a kid. Come check out this week’s batch of crowdfunding highlights!
Slice Second Edition
Hi, I’m Matt. Last year my daughter Mya and I created a role-playing game (RPG) for kids. It really caught on in our homeschooling community, and we’ve been playing it with so many different kids since then. RPGs offer children a unique way to use their problem-solving skills and imagination to engage each other in collaborative storytelling.
This year we’ve taken everything we’ve learned to make SLICE 2nd edition. We created a whole new character sheet with visual icons so that it’s more like a video game, and we made it so that you can not only level up your character, but also their talents and items. SLICE 2nd ed. keeps the dynamic dice rolling system and the SLICE mechanic that makes dice rolling so exciting. (Please note that the six sided dice required to play are available to purchase at your local game store.) The rules have also been completely overhauled to allow for richer character development and more in-depth campaigns.
Iron Hive Second Strike – 28-35mm Terrain
IRON HIVE represents an industrial scenery, a harsh environment of steel, cables and smoke where gang wars and skirmishes take place. This project offers a laser cut plastic Sci-Fi terrain for 28-35mm wargames. Pre-painted, easy to build, and easy to assemble.
- Easy and fast to build: adhesive sheets and “dry” build, based on a smart and strength construction system.
- Higly configurable: sections has been meticulously designed to allow all kind of assemble options, which you can modify all times you want.
- Pre-coated: two grey tones provide a nice aesthetic just enough to play, but only with drybrush and washes process, or other easy techniques, this scenery can look really impressive!
- High detail: the 1mm and 0.5mm plastic sheets, used to design this laser cut model, provide much more detail level than the classical 3mm MDF boards.
Book of Monsterous Might – 5e
This is a book about new mosterous options and tactics compatible with the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons. Based on concepts from our 5-star and gold-best seller ‘Recovery Dice Options,’ this book adds new monsterous races, new monsters and new abilities to use that will surprise and delight players as well as nefarious game masters.
Likewise, we give players who loved Volo’s a similar treat with numerous new wild and wondrous monstrous playable races. From the nefarious half-brain gorger, to the wild and mysterious briarborn, the secretive umbral elves, savage half-ghouls and many, many more!
Pledges start at $25 for a PDF and $49 for a print version.
Gangster Bang Miniatures – STL
Ganster Bang is a miniature kickstarter and accessories ready for 3d printing and planning your next round. A collection based on the 1920s of interwar times where the most dangerous mafias reigned. The basic pack is made up of 12 characters, each with their characteristics and their role in the family. The reward includes these 12 characters in STL format so you can print them at home, paint them and enjoy them in your board games or on your bookshelf.