Warhammer 40K: Dan Abnett Interview – FTN

Dan Abnett joins us this week for a wonderful chat. We are incredibly honored to have him on and you don’t want to miss this. This is a jam-packed DOUBLE sized episode!
Hey all,
We kick the show off with the legendary Dan Abnett. It was such a joy to have him on and we hope you enjoy it too. We talk about his current and past works and dive deep into some of the things he enjoys. We get to hear just a tad about what it’s like being in the Hours Heresy writer’s room and his interaction with the other authors as they share characters to create this amazing series that has captivated us for decades.

Siege of Terra Writers Room via Warhammer Community
Like I mentioned above this is a giant double-sized episode. In the last half of the show, we talk about Assault in 9th. Counter Assaults has been afforded a whole new set of luxuries that will make the ABC General (always be charging) have to be even more careful than they were before. This edition seems to be shaping up to benefit ‘multi-purpose’ units. Quality units will either need to be aggressively pointed or be able to tangle in both the shooting and assault phases. We’ll have another episode coming shortly behind this one talking about army list creation and the new points.
We work in a few comments about a couple of the new stand out Stratagems from War of the Spider and Engine War. Admech and Custodes are definitely factions to watch.
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Paul Murphy – Host
Adam Camileri
Red Powell
Justin Troop – troopsmash
Christopher Morgan – captain morgan
Ricky Addington
Josh Ginn