Warhammer Total War: New Update To Da Nutz ‘n’ Boltz

Creative Assembly has announced an update to their current beta, and if all goes according to plan, Da Nutz ‘N’ Boltz will be going live soon!
Announced earlier today, Creative Assembly announced some additional updates to the current patch of Da Nutz ‘N’ Boltz update, the current beta patch being tested for Total War: Warhammer 2, and alongside this revealed that, if all goes well, the patch should be live in the game proper in the next two weeks! Let’s take a look.
via Total War
First up, here’s the official word from Creative Assembly:
Hi everyone. While we were aiming to get this out this week, I can now confirm that we will be putting this live on Monday (this Monday coming, 13 July).
To be clear, this is a further update to the current Beta (Da Nutz ‘n’ Boltz Update), and if all goes well it will come out of Beta and go fully live the following week.
I hope that helps and thank you for your patience.
Which is exciting news, as a new update means rebalanced units and some quality of life improvements as outlined below. Here’s what’s being tested in the latest patch, which provides some significant reworkings of the Ork and Goblin technology trees:
- ‘Eavier Clubs
- +5 Melee Attack for Savage Orcs replaced by +8 Melee Attack for Orc Infantry
- ‘Eavy Metal
- +3 Melee Attack for Orc Infantry replaced by +10 Armour for Orc Infantry
- Weapon Strength bonus reduced from +10% to +5%
- Better Arrer Heads
- All effects now apply to all missile infantry (was previously just goblins)
- Boar Painting
- 10% recruitment cost for Savage Orcs replaced by +10% speed for Orc Boars
- Gobbo Crackdown
- +10% speed for Goblins replaced by +10% speed for all infantry
Scrap Upgrades
We’ve also adjusted the following upgrade available to Orc Boyz, as we felt that, while strong in a specific context, it lacked the all-round value of equivalent upgrades.
- Padded Shield
- Missile Block Chance reduced from +40 to +30
- Now grants +15 armour
Other Changes
Over time we’ve tended to reduce the recruitment time of higher-tier units. Several units had not been updated accordingly, so we’ve made some changes:
- Big ‘Uns, Savage Orc Big ‘Uns and Boar Boyz recruitment time reduced from 2 to 1 turn
- Norscan Giant and Greenskin giant recruitment time reduced from 3 to 2 turns
General Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed multiple rare end turn crashes.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when opening Recruit Lord UI if Gotrek is in the Lord pool
- Fixed a softlock that occurred in multiplayer co-op when the call to arms diplomacy screen was displayed
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when loading in as The Golden Sun Order in multiplayer campaign
- Gambling Winds of Magic will no longer give the same result each time
- Removed the Lord of Changes’ influence on the stance list – it should no longer play mind games and close while moused over
- Fixed an issue with army selection on the campaign map where having two armies nearby each other would sometimes block selection of the other
- Updated Black Orc Big Boss with a stauncher skill tree
- Grimgor now has a new faction effect that enables recruitment of Black Orc Big Bosses in all regions
- Grimgor now has a new skill Best of Da Best which provides +2 capacity for Black Orc Big Bosses
- Eltharion can no longer permanently imprison Lords following an autoresolve battle
- Lords captured via the Warden’s Cage ability will now unlock their Lord Defeated traits
- Added High Elves Fire Mage on Sun Dragon to Heroes unit caps
- Imrik’s long campaign victory can now correctly be accomplished for those that do not own The Queen & The Crone DLC
- Victory condition achievements should now correct unlock when completing a campaign as Grom on the Vortex campaign
- Rank 7 veteran skills will now affect the Regiments of Renown included in The Warden & The Paunch DLC
- Alarielle should now be able to recruit the new mages introduced in The Warden & The Paunch DLC
- Marauder Chieftains should now have their correct skill trees
- Fixed multiple occupation options for certain settlements for Nakai
- Fixed multiple occupation options for Norsca on certain settlements
- Black Orc Big Boss now correctly has VO in all areas
- Added missing icon for Rebirth abilities when the unit failed to gain health and would instead die
- Renamed Karak Ungor to Red Eye Mountain
- Removed Fightiness from effect bundle when laying siege as Greenskins
- Fixed various localisation issues in multiple languages
Unit Balance Changes
Dark Elves
- Ravagers of Rakarth (Scourgerunner Chariots)
- Health per entity changed from 1256 to 1166
- Scourgerunner Chariots
- Health per entity changed from 1256 to 1166
- Orc Shaman (Warboar)
- Base Weapon Damage changed from 80 to 90
- Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 180 to 220
- Black Orc Big Boss (Warboar)
- Base Weapon Damage changed from 255 to 120
- Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 185 to 270
- Goblin Great Shaman (Spider Shrine)
- Melee Attack changed from 54 to 58
- Health changed from 9052 to 9957
- Reload Skill changed from 0 to 10
- Armour changed from 150 to 120
- Snotling Pump Wagon
- Multiplayer cost changed from 450 to 500
- Removed poison contact effect from thrown mushroom attack
- Snotling Pump Wagon (Flappas)
- Removed poison contact effect from thrown mushroom attack
- Snotling Pump Wagon (Spiky Rolla)
- Removed poison contact effect from thrown mushroom attack
- Ulthar’s Raiders (Rangers – Great Weapons)
- Ammunition of primary weapon changed from 8 to 12
High Elves
- Silverin Guard
- Base Weapon Damage changed from 22 to 24
- Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage changed from 10 to 8
- Multiplayer cost changed from 800 to 850
- Eltharin The Grim (Stormwing)
- Multiplayer cost changed from 2150 to 2050
- Repanse de Lyonesse (Warhorse)
- Run Speed changed from 70 to 75
- Charge Speed changed from 106 to 108
Ability Balance Changes
- Lord of Dragons
- Duration change from 30 to 22
- Cast range changed from 150 to 75
- Fermented Fungi
- Duration change from 36 to 17
- Cast range changed from 100 to 75
- You’re Next
- Cast range changed from 150 to 75
- They Needs Stabbin’
- Cast range changed from 150 to 75
- Spinning Loons
- Cast range changed from 30 to 25
- Added condition: Can no longer be cast if the unit is below 25% health
- The Loons of Eight Peak
- Cast range changed from 30 to 25
Good luck generals!