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Age of Sigmar: Lumineth Realm-lords – It’s About Time

3 Minute Read
Aug 31 2020

The Lumineth Realm-lords are finally getting a wave of releases for pre-order this weekend. But there is still more from that range that needs to come out.

Games Workshop announced that the Lumineth Realm-lords are finally getting a proper release. Sure, we’ve have their Battletome for a couple months and a handful of units thanks to their army box, but it was kind of hard to build a “real” army with those boxed sets. A unit of cavalry, a unit of spearmen and a unique hero is a great place to start…but we need some options, people!

Now we’re finally getting some with the release of Teclis and the Scinari Cathallar. And we’re getting the re-release of the the Vanari Wardens, Vanari Sentinels and the Light of Eltharion in their own kits. Plus their Endless Spells and let’s not forget the dice or Warscroll Cards.

That’s all fantastic news for the Lumineth Realm-lords. And this is just the first wave. Since it has been awhile (and it feels way longer than a couple months ago) let’s recap all the releases that are still slated for the Lumineth Realm-lords.

Avalenor, the Stoneheart King / Alarith Spirit of the Mountain



Holy Cow!” Yes, you are correct – this Divine Bovine kit is still slated for release and it’s one heck of a kit! We can’t wait to see this one on the tabletop in either form.


Alarith Stonemage

This is a crazy cool model that is balanced in a equally crazy way. Having another caster option is going to be a welcome addition to the army.

Vanari Dawnriders

We know they were in the Army Box but they are also due for a stand-alone release. This unit is a pretty great cav option and the army really needs this box to come out sooner rather than later.


Alarith Stoneguard

It’s the most Warhammer Aelves ever! The Alarith Stoneguard are the hard-hitting hammer bros for the Realm-lords and they still need their release, too.

The Lumineth Realm-lords aren’t a huge faction all things considered. With only 10 units total, it’s a relatively tiny-but-might range. We’re glad to see them finally get a wave of releases so that players who’ve had their armies on stand-by for months can finally get some options and build up to a proper army size.


Lumineth Realm-lords are finally coming…for real this time!


Author: Adam Harrison
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