AoS: General’s Handbook Updates

Sweeping changes hit the Mortal Realms in the form of an update. Here’s what’s changing with the recent General’s Handbook FAQ and Errata.
With the new Errata for the General’s Handbook, some later battletome updates have been implemented. Mostly, this just effects Legions of Nagash, which saw both variants of the Morghasts drop in points to 190 and the Hexwraiths down to 130, as they did in the Ossiarch and Nighthaunt books, but it also jacked the Dread Saurian up from 420 to 510.
However, it isn’t all bad for the Lizards, as they can now bring Sylvaneth along as allies, should they decide they need a little bit of tree power. Honestly, though, I feel like the Lizards are perfectly capable of wrecking faces all on their own, but maybe a couple of Kurnoth with Greatbows could cover your scaly infantry.
The FAQ, however, may impact tournament play, though not casual most likely. Now, I will be the first to admit I am far from a competitive player, and I have never focused much of my list building on the tournament meta. However, I can imagine that moving the White Dwarf battalions and mercenary companies to “house rules” might disrupt a few lists.
Much in the same way that the old realm artefacts made their way into several prominent lists, some of the heftier White Dwarf battalions, particularly the Fyreslayers entries, had found their way to the tournament table. Since the GHB removed them from circulation, the FAQ asked if they were still viable, and the response was that it was only allowed with opponent permission or as a house rule. While I’m sure that a few more fun-focused tournament organizers will allow them in games, I imagine for the most part they will want to adhere to what is allowed and promoted in the latest GHB, and that’s totally fine. I will keep using my battalions in my casual games, same as the Anvil heroes or mercenary companies, and have a separate list for taking to competitive events. No harm, no foul, and not too much time lost. Just going to have to re-analyze a few lists.
What were your thoughts about the latest changes in GHB 2020?