AoS: Underworld’s Warband Review – Morgok’s Krushas
Here’s a quick overview of the new Orruk warband headed to Beastgrave this weekend.
At long last, the two Underworlds Warbands previewed at GAMA back in March are going up for preorder this Saturday, and they look awesome. Here’s my fast review of Morgok’s Krushas, the Ironjawz warband, and how they might play on the tabletop.
Unlike the previous warband, this one is made up entirely of Brutes, and they bring a hefty dose of brutal and kunnin’ to the battlefield. As expected of a warband like this, all three members are tough and beefy, so they’re going to be hard for your opponent to shift once they’re in place. Their unique ability, Waaagh counters, enhance their power even more, and encourage this squad to play aggressively. Every time they make an Attack action, they get a counter, and they can Inspire as soon as they have two or more, unlocking powerful abilities.
Morgok, the Boss of the warband, can spend one of his counters to push each friendly fighter two hexes, getting them up close and personal that much faster. Once he’s inspired, he can also re-roll on of his three attack dice with his Boss Choppas. ‘
Ardskull is the bruiser of the bunch, wielding a massive two handed flail and getting an additional attack once he inspires, representing the crazed Orruk spinning wildly in a circle with his heavy club. In addition, he can spend any number of counters to increase the Damage of one of his attack actions by the number of counters removed. If you need to shift an inspired leader or tank quickly, ‘Ardskull is the Orruk for the job.
Rounding off the terrible trio is Thugg, who wields a pair of heavy Smashas. If ‘Ardskull is the brutal of the group, Thugg is definitely the kunnin’, able to use his counters once inspired to increase the number of dice he rolls with his attack by the number of counters spent. He might not be the hardest hitting Orruk in the party, but he’s certainly the fastest, and has the best aim.
Will you be venturing into Beastgrave with these boyz?