Goatboy’s 40K: Primaris Tidal Wave!

Goatboy here with enough foot marines to take the day in 9th Edition.
I blame this army concept on a good friend of mind locally – Mr. Brandon – who threw this idea out at me. I got excited about it and even built some of my Assault Intercessors to see if I could think of a valid reason to play this sort of dumb “Goatboy” horde nonsense. If you haven’t figured out this army list is all about putting a ton of bodies on the floor, probably moving fast, and engaging as much stuff as you can. The idea of a pretty much all objective secured army (sans SW bad FAQ nonsense) seems pretty good especially if built to get to the middle and hold a lot of objectives quickly. It should also counter assault pretty well and especially use some of the Character auras to bring out the bite of the army.
We talked about the different Chapters to use and I ended up thinking the White Scars were the best. The ability to Advance and charge seems really good – especially when mixed with some of the White Scars rules of being able to shoot Assault weapons after Advancing. The idea behind the army is to create these situations where there is just too many bodies on the floor to chew threw them all and making sure you get a ton of points turn 2,3, and maybe 4 to seal the win. With that in mind – let’s get it built out and explain the synergies.
Goatboy’s Army List – Sea of Chogoris Marines – Version 1
Space Marines Battalion – 0CP
Chapter – White Scars
Primaris Chaplain – Master of Sanctity (-1CP), Warlord – Wise Orator, Litany of Hate, Strike off the Head, Exhortation of Rage, Canticle of Hate – 85pts
Kor’sarro Khan – 110pts
Primaris Ancient – Relic – Banner of the Eagle, Chapter Ancient (-1CP), Hero of the Chapter (-1CP) – Singular Presence – 80pts
Infiltrator Squad X 5 – 120pts
Infiltrator Squad X 5 – 120pts
Intercessor Squad X 10 – Auto Bolt Rifle X 10, Powerfist – 210pts
Intercessor Squad X 10 – Auto Bolt Rifle X 10, Powerfist – 210pts
Intercessor Squad X 10 – Auto Bolt Rifle X 10, Powerfist – 210pts
Space Marines Patrol – -2CP
Chapter – White Scars
Primaris Librarian – Blasting Gale, Storm-wreathed, Relic (-1CP) – Mantle of the Stormseer – 95pts
Primaris Lieutenants – Master-Crafted Auto Bolt Rifle – 75pts
Primaris Lieutenants – Master-Crafted Auto Bolt Rifle, Relic (-1CP) – Bellicos Bolt Rifle – 75pts
Assault Intercessor Squad X 10 – Thunder Hammer (most likely they will be able to take them – so added the points from others) – 205pts
Assault Intercessor Squad X 10 – Thunder Hammer (most likely they will be able to take them – so added the points from others) – 205pts
Assault Intercessor Squad X 10 – Powerfist (most likely they will be able to take them – so added the points from others) – 200pts
Pts: 2000 CP: 5
White Scar Foot Tactics
As you can see I went with a mixture of the Intercessors and figured that most likely the Assault ones would get a hold of a Thunder Hammer or Powerfist whenever that new book comes out for them. If not – well then I save some points and just chainsaw my way to victory. Anyway the idea is that this army will always be moving, advancing, and being able to do something to you. The Intercessors can throw out 30 shots apiece and depending on what Doctrine they are in – it could be extremely deadly. From there we have some other fun options on top of everything else.
- The Banner gives all the units a +1 to their Strength which seems pretty good for an Assault Army.
- Oh the Banner guy lets all the unit Heroically Intervene too if needed
- Khan gives a +1 to wound when the units charge or get a Heroically Intervention and he lest them reroll 1’s to hit.
- The Chaplain gets to throw 2 Litanies out and reroll them if needed – +2 to the Charge Rolls seem good and they can Reroll the Wound
- The Lieutenants give the ability to reroll 1’s to wound with the Assault weapons
- Oh all the guns can fire in the Intercessors while Advancing
- And then I can throw some spells – which I might just drop so I could go after the anti psychic secondary objective
There is a lot going on with this list as a ton of Marines are running up the table and trying to do bad stuff to you. I am sure I could have picked a better set of Characters but I figured I wanted as much Objective Secured bodies that I can easily take things away from other troops and options. On top of just being extremely fast. On top of all of this the Assault Doctrine will be key and I can just hopefully have some bodies left to chew thru things as needed. Plus the army is just going to be extremely fast. Oh and it’s all Primaris which means most likely it won’t see some kind of weird nerf coming from the new Marine book.
Are Foot Marines back?