Rating Every 1/10 Rating Of Chess on Board Game Geek

Chess is a classic game and has been the subject of countless studies and analyses. But there are still people out there who think it’s hot garbage.
Opinions are funny things. Opinions by definition can’t be wrong, but that doesn’t stop some individuals from figuring out a way.
Today, we’re taking a look at a handful of the 1/10 reviews and comments left by users on Board Game Geek’s page for Chess and giving them our own rating so see how they stack up. Let us begin.
I’d give it a 0/10 if I could.
The Review Review Revue
This is a good review to open with. It’s straightforward, providing some feedback but without any real improvement to offer. When giving constructive criticism, you really gotta offer up alternative solutions. Maybe this reviewer would like Chess more if each piece moves the same. Let’s say the Bishop. And rather than having to hunt down the King, let’s make it quicker and simpler and say you lose once all of your pieces are captured. Also, rather than having to move into the captured piece’s space, you could jump over them. That would add some fun merriment, like leapfrog! Maybe add some bonus if you can manage to get another of your pieces to the other side of the board. Not sure. We’ll workshop it.
Review Review: 5/10 – Specific with issues, but offers no alternative options
This review is coming off a little harshly. I would love to know this review’s definition of a game, if Chess defies the description of one. On the other hand, Cylons would probably love Chess, so this review might be onto something. We’ll look into it.
Review Review: 2/10 – Doesn’t mention issues with the game, but +1 for maybe saving humanity from the robotic doppelganger crisis, maybe.
Honesty is usually the best policy. Not always, but usually. In this reviewer’s case, I can appreciate their openness in proclaiming in a mere eight words how we all feel about 2020.
Review Review: 6/10 – Open, honest, direct.
Now, this is a real review! There are rankings, grades, alternative play options. I’m curious why the Skill Floor Level is A) the only ranking this review thought to add to their review and B) out of 9. But aside from that, I won’t question how the Time Chess variant is supposed to be implemented or why an alternate rule about hidden movement is called Time Chess. I could question it, and I want to. But I won’t. I’ll let you do that.
Review Review: 8/10 – Provides rank and grade, but could use more details on each.
This man was lied to.
Review Review: 3/10 – Good use of personal anecdotes to engage with the reader.
I am also upset that people who try harder at a thing are better than me at that thing that I don’t try very hard at.
This is very relatable.
Review Review: 10/10 – Very relatable
Final Review
Overall, the 1/10 reviews for Chess are 3/10.
There are many of them and most of them don’t have any comments at all, which really brings down the average a lot. Plus, the reviews that do have comments are often not very well thought out and don’t provide any constructive feedback or pose a good argument for why they rated Chess so harshly.
…exactly how I would rate this article.
Thanks for reading!