Tabletop Kickstarter Round-Up: August 5, 2020

Come check out this week’s batch of crowdfunding highlights!
Brass Rings Pocket RPG
Brass Rings is a game of adventure among the rings of Saturn and its abandoned outposts. Many generations ago, the forerunners abandoned the rings and left behind the current inhabitants. The rodents of the Great Tree have built a life and home but are in need of new resources to continue to grow and prosper.
Railroads extend to the outposts and airship ports to assist with exploration. The residents of the Great Tree live in a time of adventure and exploration, but also a time of danger. The forerunners did not just leave behind the rodents, but their way of controlling them as well. As the rodents move out into the ring to find the ruined forerunner outposts, they are met with the many threats left behind by the forerunners.
Take on the adventure and exploration! Defend the realm from ancient threats. Join us and enjoy Brass Rings.
Pledges start at $1 for a PDF and $10 for a pamphlet sized printed copy.
Roll Camera!
You are movie producers in a failing film production company. You have one last chance to make a successful film – otherwise the company will collapse and you’ll never work in this town again! You have to use the resources at your disposal to produce this film on time and under budget, ensure it’s a high enough quality, and make some sense of the resulting story. No time to waste – roll camera!
Roll Camera! is a cooperative or solo dice worker placement game of resource management and a central geometric puzzle representing your shooting arrangement. You throw the custom D6 Crew dice, each face representing a different production department (camera, light, sound, actor, production design, visual effects) and assign them to actions. At the game’s end, you’ll have a unique sequence of completed Shot cards which you can “premiere” using the story cues — it’s the filmmaking game that results in a “real” movie!
Pirates of the Dread Sea 35mm Metal Minis
This is a campaign to add Orcs, Goblins, Skrier (the squid headed ones), Fairies and Narwhals to Pirates of the Dread Sea. Pirates of the Dread Sea is a fast paced and fun tabletop skirmish wargame featuring crews of fantasy pirates. You can add the rulebook, tokens and other crews (Undead, Human and Dwarf) – everything you need to play Pirates of the Dread Sea to your Kickstarter reward – just check out the add-ons section.
Authors note: You can check out the game and other minis here.
Pledges start at $32 per crew and you can add a rulebook for ~$30.
Dragonbond: Battles of Valerna – STL Files & Wargame
Dragonbond: Battles of Valerna is a miniature wargame where each player controls an army battling for supremacy. One player takes control of the Allarian army lead by the Dragon Queen atop her dragon Ferellon and the other commands the Tyverian army lead by the Blood Emperor and his dragon Nagasha. The game is played in I-go-you-go turns where each player activates one unit. The combat is fast-paced and special dice which mark the number of hits and blocks. Attacks and special powers fatigue the units, requiring players to make tactical decisions.
Authors note: Header image includes minis from this campaign. You can check out the game’s rules here – it’s 9th Age compatible.