Warhammer 40K: New Imperial Terrain Under the Microscope

Today we take a close look at the new new terrain that came out with the Command Edition Starter Set.
The New Command Edition of the 9th Edition Starter set has all new terrain in, so we took a dive in to show it off and compare it to other GW terrain and give you some size comparisons.
The New Terrain
Fuel Pipes
Very nice detail on the command console.
An interesting combination of two previous terrain ranges. See below.
Thermo-Exchanger Shrine
Scale Comparisons
The new terrain is quite nice, especially by the standards of terrain from previous starter sets. It’s night and day from the era of the plastic palm trees and the crashed Aquila lander. It continues the existing Imperial terrain themes we have seen previously. So you will have no issues adding some of these pieces to your existing collection. They should fit right in. In particular, the Fuel Piles and the Thermo Exchanger Shrine mix and match perfectly with the previous Mechanicus Factorum range.
The Ruins are an interesting hybrid with the walls incorporating elements and heights of the recent taller KillTeam terrain sets, while the horizontal landings use the scale and patterns of the Mechanicus Factorum range.
But the most important port of the entire range is the push-fit construction. These go together like a charm with no glue (psst, use glue to be safe), and they look just as good as the earlier sets that are much harder to assemble. Perfect for new players, or folks who want minimal fuss to get a table full of GW terrain up and into action.
~What do you think, compared to earlier terrain ranges?