Warhammer 40K: Space Marines New Weapon Rules

Space Marines are shaping up to have major updates to their armory in 9th edition. WOW, it’s a lot.
For decades, Space Marines have had fairly static statlines for their weapons. You could always be sure of old standby’s like the Heavy Bolter, Chainsword and Multi-melta. But 9th edition looks like GW is intending to bring sweeping updates to weapons like we haven’t seen since the shift from 2nd to 3rd edition, back in the 1990s.
Here’s a list of confirmed weapons changes taken from:
- Edge of Silence book (Indomitus)
- Invader Datasheet (GW)
- Firestrike Datasheet (GW)
- Invictor Warsuit (9th Ed kit instructions)
- Terminators (9th Ed kit instructions)
- Vanguard Veterans (9th Ed kit instructions)
9th Ed Weapon Changes
Chainsword – change to Astarte chainsword, AP-1
Frag Grenades – no change
Krak Grenades – no change
Plasma pistol – minor change to wording
Heavy Bolt Pistol– increase from 12″ to 18″ range
Power Sword – increase of +1s
Master-crafted Power Sword – increase of +1s
Storm Shield – changes to +1 save, and 4+ invulnerable
Bolt Pistol – no change
Absolver Bolt Pistol – adds +2″ range and change to D2
Bolt Rifle – based on twin bolt rifle, no change
Crozius Arcanum – adds +1 to S (now +2 S)
Thunderhammer – add +1 d to go to 4d
Relic Blade – changes from d3 damage to 2 damage
Grav Pistol – no noted change, possible change to special rules
Lighting Claws– no noted change, possible change to special rules
Power Fist – changes from d3 damage to 2 damage
Power Axe – changes from S +1 to S +2
Assault Cannon– no noted changes
Cyclone Missile Launcher – frag verson goes from 2d3 to 2d6 shots
Heavy Flamer – increase from 8″ to 12″ range
Storm Bolter – no noted change
Chainfist – change from 2 damage to d3 damage
Fragstorm Grenade Launcher – no noted change
Heavy Bolter – changes to from 3 shots to 1 and from 1 damage to 2 damage
Incendium Cannon – gains +1s
Ironhail Heavy Stubber – based on profile for Twin Ironhail Heavy Stubber gains one heavy 3 to heavy 4
Twin Ironhail Autocannon – changes from AP-1 to AP-2
Invictor Fist– no noted change
Las-talon – based on Firestrike turrets twin las-talon no noted change
Accelerator Autocannon– based on Friestrike turrets twin accelrator autocannon, changes from heavy 2 to heavy 3, but drops an AP from AP -2 to AP -1
Multi-melta – changes from heavy 1 to heavy 2 and a reworked special rule, with increased minimum damage
Onslaught Gatling Cannon – changes from Heavy 6 to Heavy 8
Auto Bolt Rifle – based on Invader ATV twin auto bolt rifle, no change.
Demolisher Cannon – no noted change
Hunter Killer Missile – changes from S8, to S10
This is a lot to take in, and it’s still early days. With how many of these weapons are shared across multiple armies, 9th is shaping up to be a much bigger change than many thought.
~Which weapon change are most surprising to you?