Warhammer 40K: Updated Primaris Hellblaster Stats Sighted
It looks like the Primaris Hellblasters are also getting an overhaul in the new edition. Take a look.
This image from a miniature assembly guide has been doing the rounds on websites and some Forums today. This is the assembly sheet from the recently reboxed 9th edition Hellblaster kit. While the main unit itself is pretty similar, There are some weapon changes!
All New Hellblasters
The main statline is unchanged. Moving onto the guns.
Updated Weapons:
- Heavy Plasma Incinerator change from D:1 to D:2
- Plasma Incinerator is unchanged
- Assault Plasma Incinerator changes from Assault:2 to Assault:3
This is the short assembly instructions stats, so it’s missing all the detailed datasheet rules.
First off with the quick assembly stats, we don’t get to see the Supercharge stats, so we have to wait for the full codex for those. On the weapons front, we are seeing a further specialization of the three weapons. Before they were slightly different, but now are quite distinct. The Heavy Plasma Incinerator is a D:2 marine killer, and is probably doing D:3 in Supercharge mode, knocking out Terminators and heaver infantry in single shots. The Assault Plasma Incinerator is now laying down an increased volume of fire, similar to the Assault Bolt Rifles of the Intercessors and will be aggressively moving uptable, while making any marines keep their heads down to avoid that wall of -4AP fire.
Statwise, this is yet another datasheet confirming that Primaris look to be unchanged in the upcoming book. It is the Classic marines who are moving up to be closer to their stats, not an across the board increase in wounds.
What do think of the updated Hellblasters, and which weapon do you like the most now?