DIY: Phase II ARC Trooper and Captain Rex Helmet

Join the Grand Army of the Republic with this Phase II helmet you can build over a weekend.
The Phase II armor of The Clone Wars has become just as iconic as Darth Vader’s. Later in the war the armorsmiths of Kamino upgraded clone armor to better fit the human form, offer a better filed of vision, and allow it to hold more types of equipment. The armor is lighter and tougher than Phase I, but it’s still vulnerable to direct laser blasts.
Now, thanks to Odin Makes, you can build a Phase II Clone Wars helmet for yourself (and paint it with a 501st official color and design). I like his tutorials because he showcases projects that aren’t daunting and don’t require an insane amount of specialty power tools. This recreation is made of made from EVA foam, pipe insulation, PVC pipe, and a welding shield (there’s a full list over on YouTube, plus his pattern that’s also used for his Captain Rex helmet).