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Five Star Wars Legends Characters Who Can Come Back

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Sep 18 2020
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Let’s talk about old Legends characters we miss and want brought back.

The other week we Meaghan talked about some old Legends/EU characters that we were glad to see the last of.  That got me thinking, what are some that we really want brought back? Now we’ve seen some old classic characters brought back, Thrawn is the most prominent example of that. There is the question of course of how much these characters are the same. Thrawn for instance has roughly the same back ground and personality but his canon story is vastly different from the old EU version. Even if a character is brought back they won’t be 100% the same. (There is also the case of a person/thing being named check and making them “canon” without us knowing if they are at all the same. There are also some characters that we just can’t get back, such as Jaina Solo, it just wouldn’t work. So here are five old characters we’d love to see reappear.

5. Soontir Fel

Soontir Fel was an ace Imperial Pilot and commander of the dreaded 181st Fighter Wing. He’s in the running for best pilot around and a total badass. A Corellain like, Wedge and Han, he ended up married to Wedge’s sister and playing a major role in galactic events, with his descendants eventually coming to rule over the Empire. There have been a few characters that seem roughly based on Fel that have popped up in the current timeline, (and we might be getting another) but not Fel himself. Fel was a great example of the “Honorable Imperial” who eventually left the Empire, and helped paved a third way. Current Star Wars doesn’t have a lot of Imperial pilots that last long, or that haven’t defected to the Rebels pretty quickly. It would be easy to work him in as an Imperial ace, who later plays some role in the post war galaxy, maybe as a Leader among the Ex-Imperials who don’t align with the First Order.


4. Lowbacca 

Lowbacca was a nephew of the famous Chewbacca and a Wookiee Jedi Knight in the old Expanded Universe. Now look, Lowbacca, aka Lowie, was a straight up badass. Combing the physical prowess of a Wookiee and a Jedi, something fans had always talked about, made for a terrifying combination and this guy wrecked shop when needed. He was also a loyal and good friend and excellent mechanic. Apparently the combination of Jedi and Wookiee was so OP that Lucas himself said they couldn’t make any more Wookiee Jedi. While Lowie may not be canon anymore he clearly paved the way for the new Wookiee Jedi Knight that is showing up in the High Republic stuff.

However none of that is why Lowie actually makes this list. See Lowie had a companion, a small translator droid, really just a head, he wore on his belt so that he could talk to everyone. That’s right, this dude is literally the only person we’ve ever seen in Star Wars that’s adapted their easy-to-use translator tech into a personal, always on, translation device. That’s some big brain stuff right there. Lowbacca was a pretty cool dude, and Wookiee Jedis are rad. It wouldn’t be hard to bring him back as either one of Luke’s students, who fled when the Academy was destroyed, or a new post Episode 9 Jedi Recruit.

3. Mount Sorrow 

Not everyone loves this crying sentient mountain that lives on Endor and heals people.  I however, adore it, Mount Sorrow is a complete mood, and frankly after watching Rise of Skywalker, I GOT it. Please bring back the Mount, but just change it’s face to be a composite of the whole fandom.

2. Exar Kun

Exar Kun was an ancient Jedi from the period shortly before the Knight of the  Old Republic Era. He eventually fell to the Dark Side become a Sith Lord and sparking a galaxy wide war before being defeated. However his evil spirit lingered on and eventually corrupted Kyp Durron, one of Luke’s Jedi students, nearly destroying the fledgling Jedi Academy. It’s fairly clear that some elements of the Exar Kun story were stolen for the Sequels, with Kun being replaced by Palpatine/Snoke, and Kylo Ren playing the role of Kyp Durron, however Kun has been left out of the canon. Mostly that is, references to him are found in the quasi-canon Old Republic games, but nothing ties him to the current era. I think Disney really needs to bring him back as a corrupting Force Ghost Sith to bother the newest Jedi, if for no other reason than so that they don’t just try to bring Palpatine back AGAIN.

1. Mara Jade

Mara Jade is the galaxies number 1 badass bad girl. She was a force sensitive human who early in life was recruited by the Emperor. Indoctrinated into his following she became one the Emperor’s Hands, an elite agent dedicated to doing his will and acting as an assassin. After his death she went into hiding and served with various outlaw and smuggler groups, all with one main goal in mind, carrying out the Emperor’s last command to her, to avenge him by kill Luke Skywalker. When their paths do end up crossing she ends up saving him rather than killing him, and when the Emperor’s lies start to be relieved to her, she lets go of her past.


Overtime she finds redemption from her former Imperial past, falls in love with and marries Luke, and becomes one of the most powerful Jedi Masters. She’s long been a fan favorite and a staple of the old EU. Now we can’t get her back exactly in the same form, marrying Luke and having a kid with him not really work in the new timeline. However there is no reason that they couldn’t reintroduce her as a former servant of the Emperor (maybe an Inquisitor?) who’s on the mend and has a romance with Luke sometime between Episode 6-7. Or leave out the romance, shes good enough on her own. Current Star Wars doens’t really have a lot, or any, surviving evil force users who saw the light, with the few like Kylo Ren and Ventress getting killed off. It’s a type of story that would be interesting to see.

Let us know what old EU characters you want to see brought back. 


Author: Abe Apfel
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