Warhammer 40K: Battlezone Bonanza

Get ready to be in the zone this weekend. The battlezone. Five new terrain kits going up means five chances to find exactly the bits you want. Check ’em out.
Terrain is all the rage this weekend, with Games Workshop releasing five new boxes packed full of terrain for you to paint, customize, and then fight over. The grim darkness of the distant future is about to be full of more explosive barrels, promethean pipelines, and of course, everyone’s favorite: more galvanic servohaulers.
Seriously these cranes are the unsung heroes of the 41st-42nd Millennia. But we’ll get to those in a moment. Let’s start with a look at Vertigus, the biggest, newest, terrainest box. Vertigus is all about making the Manufactorum terrain feel a lot more like it’s a cathedral. Packed with enough terrain for a Combat Patrol or Incursion match (complete with 22″x30″ double-sided boards), Vertigus is all about highlighting the sacred duties of the Mechanicus. You’ll get:
- Storage Fane
- Sub-cloister
- Engine Shed
- Auto-choral Transmitter
- Thermo-exchanger Shrine
- 14 Thermo Pipes
Now it’s all push fir, so it’ll be easy to convert up. And even if you’re not interested in the Manufactorum, the Auto-Choral Transmitter and Thermo Exchanger Shrines in particular look like they’ll be a solid fit in any display.
Next up the Sanctum Administratus, which features a new three story terrain piece
If you’re looking for something a little more ground-level, you can also find cover in the form of the sub-cloister and storage fane kit, which has all the enclosing terrain you need to shelter infantry from devastating fire.
Or if you’d prefer, one of the most popular terrain kits is back–the Munitorum Armoured Containers box which contains three massive containers, a bunch of Promethium Barrels and supply crates, perfect for making sure you’ve got exploding barrels wherever you need ’em. And wherever you don’t.
Finally the Munitorum Conservators Kit features the return of the Galvanic Servohaulers. These little robots are the unsung heroes of the Imperium, and now they can be activated by friendly units and moved 6″.
So get ready to build your battlefield this weekend!