Warhammer 40K: Heavy Intercessors Inbound

You didn’t think the Marines were done yet, did you? The march of the Gravis Marines continues with the new Heavy Intercessors!
Yep – you read that right. New Heavy Intercessors are on the way and they are bringing the BEEF.
A new multi-part kit, you’ll have different options for their Heavy bolt-weapon options. And yes, they are Gravis Armor – check out those boots and the 3 wounds!
These guys ARE a Troop option as well – that means you could make an entire army of Gravis Armor Marines if you really wanted to. And with those new and improved Heavy Bolt-weapons they will pack a punch. They are a lot like the Hellblasters only they don’t overheat. I think these new Heavy Intercessors are going to be able to rip through all sorts of Infantry squads thanks to the firepower they will be able to dishout!
Now, if you’re looking at these miniature and thinking “man, I need a captain that could ride alongside these guys and lead them into battle – Games Workshop has you covered:
Yep – It’s a Captain packing the same heat as this unit! That’s a perfect way to ensure they get an aura and you get an effective HQ option that can dole out the damage at the same ranges.
These Heavy Intercessors are going to bring the beef!
What do you think of the new models and how about those weapon options? Let us know in the comments!