Warhammer 40K: New Necron Miniatures March On To The Tabletop

We thought they were done. We thought wrong. The Necrons have even MORE units on the way – come see the new shiny Necrons.
Actually, some of them aren’t so shiny. You’ll see…
That’s a great coffee mug. But more importantly – How about those new Units?!
Ophydian Destroyers
Another Destroyer-Cult unit and they are looking mean. How mean? Check out their datasheet!
Pretty cool! I like their whipcoil bodies. These are kind of a cross between the new Destroyers and the Canoptek Wraiths. It’s one unit I would not want to get caught in close combat with for sure.
New Flayed Ones
Look, I haven’t hidden the fact that I personally dislike the Flayed Ones. They are back with a new plastic kit. And they got a rule that improves them in close combat.
There. I didn’t say anything mean about Flayed Ones.
Okay, now THIS is a cool model. The new Chronomancer manipulates time and actually has a rule for it:
The Chronomancer can allow a unit to re-roll charges and give them a 5+ invulnerable save? NICE! And that’s not the only new character either.
This is another model I think GW really knocked out of the park! The digital skull looks awesome and the Psychomancer is also a really cool model. It’s also really creepy cause once you see how it’s legs are all beetled-up in there, you can’t unsee it. I’m sorry (not sorry).
This is really the first unit we’ve seen interact directly with the new Combat Attrition test. I just hope the unit has got some nasty tricks in close combat if it needs to get within 6″ for it to be effective.
The Silent King
We’ve seen the model before – but behold the glory of the Silent King! And now we have an idea of his stats, too:
That’s a beefy statline and you can BET he’s got even more fire power – the Warhammer Team mentioned that he could go toe-to-toe with Primarchs! So we can’t wait to take a look at his full rules!
That’s in for the new Necron Miniature reveals! What do you think of these new miniatures?