Warhammer 40K: Speculating On New Models For The New Codexes
With four codexes coming by the end of the year and two more hinted at for early 2021, we have to ask – are we getting MORE marines models?
As you’re probably aware, GW announced the next four codexes and (basically) confirmed that Dark Angels and an mystery xenos codex were all on the way in early 2021. The next four codexes that are coming out later this year (after Necrons and Space Marines in October) are:
- Blood Angels
- Space Wolves
- Deathwatch
- Death Guard
- Dark Angels
- Mystery Xenos
Basically – that’s a WHOLE lot of Power Armor in the next couple months. We talked about what options are left for the Primaris Space Marines. That was mostly joking at the fact that the Primaris should be good to go on new models for a while. But what about these next codexes?
Could each one of these codexes get new models with their release? Well we already know for a fact the Death Guard are getting a new model with the Lord of Virulence.
And what’s up with theĀ Plague Furnace in the background there?
But what about the other codexes? Are we going to see more models for them? What could GW even release for those armies? Let’s do some speculating!
Blood Angels – More Death Company
The Assault Intercessors are screaming for a Death Company upgrade. We already know that in the current book you can make Primaris Death Company. Realistically, all GW needs to do is rebox the Assault Intercessor box that we know is coming with some Death Company Upgrade sprues and call it a day!
Space Wolves – Wolf Guard Veterans
Calling a Wolf Guard a “Veteran” is redundant, however, I’m not sure what else to call the Space Wolf version of Bladeguard Veterans. Wolfbladeguard Veterans? Wolf Guard Blade Veterans? Blade Wolf Guardians? I dunno. Time to bust out the GW name generator and roll the dice I suppose.
Anyhow, we know that GW is basically rolling out all the new Primaris units to all the other Marine armies, too. However, in the instance of the Bladeguard Veterans, it would make sense if they were renamed and repacked as something more Space Wolf Centric. Maybe we’ll see them get reboxed with an additional sprue that adds some wolf pelts and maybe frost axes. And some crazy Space Viking haircuts.
Deathwatch – Assault and Heavy Intercessor Upgrades
Okay we need to talk about this one. Deathwatch already get to do some funky options thanks to how they can do the whole “mixed squad” thing. The addition of Assault Intercessors and Heavy Intercessors is going to mean some new rules for those mixed units, right? What will those mean? I’m VERY curious about how the Heavy Intercessors and their heavy bolt rifles will interact.
Model-wise, if nothing else, I’d expect that GW will do some type of mixed Intercessor box that has the Deathwatch Sprues for the army. It’s another rebox for sure, but the Deathwatch options definitely need one. Any way to get more Deathwatch shoulder pads and arms is fine with me!
New Terrain or Upgrade Sprues?
Let’s table the new unit options for now. What about Army specific Terrain options? Clearly the Death Guard are going that route. And the Hammerfall Bunker is still a thing that’s coming. Maybe the Marines won’t get another army specific option due to the Hammerfall bunker…What if they got army specific vehicle upgrade kits that also worked on the bunker? Why not – they already have upgrade packs for Infantry?
Maybe Just A New Character?
If all these ideas are just too far fetched for you, what about a new character for each book? Games Workshop basically attempted to do that for all the Psychic Awakening books. Maybe they will go back and add more Primaris Character options for when these codexes are released. It might seem crazy – but the Death Guard are getting that Lord of Virulence…just sayin.
Do you think that GW will release new models/kits for each of the codexes or do you think we are just going to get a Codex per army and that’s it?