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Warhammer 40K: The Astra Militarum Unit Guide, Officers and Men – PRIME

17 Minute Read
Sep 2 2020

Today let's take a look at the units of the Imperial Guard and how to use them.

That Astra Militarum, or to us old timers, the Imperial Guard are one of the classic armies of Warhammer 40K. They represent not only one of the largest in universe fighting forces, but also one of the largest model ranges. Generally speaking they are an army that requires some skill to play, but that can be very rewarding. Today let us start our deep dive in the units of the Imperial Guard and how best they are used in this new edition.
Company Commander
The Company Commander is the go-to HQ for Guard armies and a major lynchpin of any infantry force. Every Guard player should be very familiar with this unit. It's one of the cheaper HQs in the game, and provides major buffs to infantry units in the form of it's Voice of Command ability which allows it to issue orders.  Thanks to the Senior Officer ability it can issue two orders a turn.
The down side to the unit is that, like most AM infantry, it's not very durable and they can be taken out pretty easily. They also have very little offensive power. You can upgrade them with a decent choice of weapons but most competitive lists run them without upgr...

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Author: Abe Apfel
  • GW Rumor Engine: Slice And Dice