D&D Is Child’s Play with Chucky

If you want to incorporate that very specific brand of stuffing filled terror into your D&D games, it may be time to play with that old Chucky doll.
How weird is it that a movie about a murderous doll has become iconic on the level of some of the most dream-haunting movie monsters? Love him or hate him, Chucky showed up in the late eighties, and eight movies later he is still relevant, scary, and absolutely ridiculous and fun. And in second edition the Doll Golem looked suspiciously like a certain famous mini-murderer. So why not bring him back into D&D?
Inspired a little by 5E golems, a little by the 2E doll golem, and a whole bunch by the source material, Chucky is a monster that shouldn’t be terribly difficult to defeat…. once you know what it is. But a single adventurer whose friends don’t believe that this weird doll could be evil may find themselves quickly spiraling into trouble. And should your party encounter an entire family of haunted dolls minor difficulties may start to stack up.
Happy Adventuring!