D&D: The Fix Is In For Curse Of Strahd Revamped

The Mists of Ravenloft part to reveal an updated errata list for Curse of Strahd, out just in time for the new collector’s edition. Come see what’s changed!
When Wizards of the Curse released their statement commiting to a more diverse and inclusive D&D from here on out, one of the big “pain points” they mentioned was the portrayal of the Vistani in Curse of Strahd. In their statement, they announced that they’d be addressing the depiction of the Vistani–a fantasy analogue for the Romani, a real-world ethnic group of people who have been historically oppressed and belittled–which had previously depicted them using much of the same stereotypical language.
Not long after the update, they tweaked content in the digital versions, and now that the Curse of Strahd: Revamped is getting ready to release in two short weeks, WotC has released the full errata for the Curse of Strahd (along with several other books, which you can find in the latest Sage Advice Compendium), so that folks can see exactly what’s been changed. So grab a rod of sunlight and some garlic, and let’s check out what’s new in the Curse of Strahd.
As we mentioned before, most of the changes here revolve around the portrayal of the Vistani in the new book. For instance, in the introduction, they change the word “gypsy” to “man” which should really set the tone for most of these. As we talked about before, the changes are minor–they talk about how the Vistani are wanderers and dress in bright clothes, but overall removed any reference to idleness, drunkenness, and superstition.
A few other changes include the removal of cantrips from some of the spellbooks that players can find as they explore, which is a curious move because those are such isolated things. Perhaps they mean to say that Cantrips are separate from spellbooks and that wizards can’t, by and large, learn more by simply finding a new book. This sort of flies under the radar next to a paragraph about removing the description of “evil Vistani” and then outlining that Luvash is completely plastered inside the Vistani tent…
The one other character change mentioned here is to Ezmerelda. As Chris Perkins has poitned out before, she’s one of the few examples of a disabled character in D&D, since she relies on a prosthetic leg, and had previously been portrayed as trying to hide it. They’ve been “fixing it” since Perkins made a post back in April, and now the fix is in:
So there you have it folks. A quick runthrough of what’s new in the upcoming Strahd Revamped, which is due out October 20th.
Happy Adventuring!