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Goatboy’s Warhammer 40k: Monster Mash Necrons

3 Minute Read
Oct 22 2020
Warhammer 40K

Goatboy here again and I love me some Monster mash lists. Let’s do one Necron-style!

In fact – it is probably my favorite type of army full of giant monsters, crazy options, and some super bash fun.  With the new C’Tan in the Necron book, I wonder if I can get 2-3 in a list and make it work?  I don’t think I will use The Silent King as it just doesn’t feel right so instead let’s throw in some C’Tan, some cool characters, and maybe use some of those fancy Skorpekh Destroyers to build something unique and assaulty.

First, we got to decide how are we going to build out the detachments.  As I want to go dual C’Tan I need at least two.  I could go two Patrols to try and limit the number of troops I need to use.  I still really like Warriors so having two blobs might be worth it and then mixed with a few other options to get help hold objectives, be a pain to remove, and just cover the table in junk.  I think will end up going all-in on a custom build for my Necron Dynasty as I can use the free 6″ move to get the Destroyer dudes up and Warriors to try and force some bad interactions with my opponent.  Then the C’Tan run around and become a true pain in the butt.  From there a few Crypteks to maximize some saves and abilities and we end up with a working list.  Let’s see if it all fits together.


Necron Patrol – 0CP
Make my own D’nasty –

Anrakyr the Traveller – Warlord – Implacable Conqueror – 140pts
Chronomancer – 80pts

C’Tan Shard of the Void Dragon – 350pts
Skorpekh Destroyers X 6 – 210pts

Necron Warriors X 20 – 260pts


Necron Patrol – -2CP

Skorpekh Lord – Relic – Nanoscarab Casket – 130pts

C’Tan Shard of the Night Bringer – 350pts
Skorpekh Destroyers X 6 – 210pts

Necron Warriors X 20 – 260pts


PTS: 1990 CP: +10

Star God Tactics

This list just feels weird – it has a decent amount of bodies but I am not sure how it will truly work.  It does have two C’Tan – but are they going to get to somewhere and get work done?  I went with the Destroyers as I think they feel good – but it could be better to go with the new ones that can deep strike and surprise people.  It is just an odd army as there isn’t nearly as much Core as you have with Marines and thus a lot of the weird thoughts I had just don’t work.  Still – it is a bunch of stuff you can get fairly cheaply and with some cool conversions for Night Bringer you could have a pretty sweet-looking army.  The two big baddies walking around some Warriors and the weapons of the Destroyer cult coming into range.

How have you guys been doing with building Necron armies?  Are you feeling the weirdness of trying to get stuff together in 9th?  Is it just the fact we are not having a ton of games to play being part of this kind of weird vibe of not feeling like you can get something to work right?  I am hoping the end of this year has me excited for Death Guard, ready to play some events late next year, and just kind of get back to normal when getting ready for games and events.

~Until then I guess let’s roll more 6’s and wreck some opponents armies.


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