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Goatboy’s Warhammer 40k: We May Need to Enforce Base Sizes

4 Minute Read
Oct 26 2020
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Goatboy here again with a quick thought about bases. In 9th we all need to decide what minis should be based on.

Now as most of us are not really playing big events right now so let’s go back to looking at something we all hard arguments throughout the 6th, 7th, and 8th days.  What should things be based on?  The reason why I want to bring this up is that 9th is a very much movement/spacial control type of game now.  You want to control your battle area as it allows you the ability to win and control the game.  Base sizes are extremely important as while the bigger bases mean they are in range easier to opponents influence – they also do things like increase auras, block out more area, and just get the ability to stretch out farther.

Dirty Base Tricks

Why bring this up?  Well if you have some 25mm bases laying around (Daemons seem to have a lot of them) you can place 3 side by side and see how they sorta break the rules a bit.  The base size is not really 25mm and if you place 3 models side by side you see the first one is within an inch of the second and the 3rd.  This means the army can easily do the old “tentacles” of doom we all saw during the heyday of 8th edition.  This goes against the whole set up of trying to limit these deployments and instead keep things looking a bit more normal on the battlefield instead of rings/layers of bubble wrap.

Of course – is this really an issue?  I don’t know yet as while yeah you can do it with Daemons the 2 units that are supposed to come on these smaller bases are not exactly wrecking the competitive scene when they come up.  The other 2 Daemon units actually are shown to be on 32mm – so the whole old waves of stinky grossness shouldn’t be there if we push armies to show up on their proper bases.  Daemonettes really are the only ones to truly worry about as they are fast, can put out a decent amount of attacks, and if they roll 6’s like the crafty Nick Rose they can wreck big things like the bosses they are.

More tricks than you think…

We May Need a Chart

My question is in all of this is should GW actually come out with a true base FAQ with every available unit in the game or just bring a rule says you have to have your models on the currently listed “base” size in the box set up they come with?  I am all for the rule of cool most of the time so bigger bases are always a better thing in my little corner of 40k hobby/competitive nonsense.  They just look cooler and let you set up “characters” to be easy to see on the battlefield.

He’s just got to be different.

There are also some weird things like how the Blood Thirster has a different base than all the other Greater Daemons – even the special Character Blood Thirster?  It looks weird to me and I personally would rather have all be on the same base.  Just like how all the other “big” monsters fit on a similar style base – Magnus, Morty, even the Silent but Deadly King.  It’s always been my thought that we should really just get a big ole FAQ that sinks up all the base sizes.  They did it for AoS – why not 40k?


Bases For All?

Speaking of bases too – should we start to actually think about going to bases on everything?  Even those vehicles that have the not so cool now tread option?  Would it make things easier like measuring ranges if we had them get a base?  I have seen Rhinos on bases and it looks pretty cool as well as the model most likely the Death Guard will be scrambling hard to find when their book comes out in November.  I always hated how that model and the Soul Grinder never had a base and we had to deal with rules of did you hit it when you hit their claw?

What are your thoughts on base sizes?  Should we get a full set of enforcement to ensure everyone has the same base?  I am sure there are some weird interactions if using some smaller base sizes with these new 2 wound marines – but look at bikers too.  That old “Cav” sorta base is kind of falling out of fashion with those new sweet Oval bases we have for a ton of things.  What about the Carnifex too?  So many questions on what a base should be and let’s say someone gets a bad feeling in the game and you are running “smaller” bases do you want to be labeled as a WAAC base abusing player?

~ What do you think?


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