Let’s Play D&D In Lovecraft Country

Gas up the car, watch out for monsters, and grab your ancient family spellbook, this week we’re playing D&D in Lovecraft Country.
Lovecraft Country’s was one of those shows that left me reeling every single week. Watching the characters slowly untangle and tackle supernatural dangers was suspenseful and scary and uncomfortable and so compelling. I’m hoping to see a second season announced soon, but in the meantime and while it’s still October I thought the final fun spooky sheets of the season should be some of the characters from Lovecraft Country.
I know a lot of you want to see some sheets that aren’t D&D when it’s thematically appropriate, and I had planned to make these two in D&D and Call of Cthulhu… But then I ran into some technical difficulties. And so, if season two comes to fruition, we will all have a little something extra to look forward to!
I had a lot of fun with Atticus’s sheet, and he honestly came together really easily. His innate magic abilities was either going to make him a sorcerer or warlock, but his proficiencies as a physical and non-magical fighter as well as the appropriateness of a Great Old One patron made me lean warlock in the end. His pact of the tomb as a nod to the book of names, and I tried to pick a mix of spells that would be fun to play and reflected spells he’d used (for example protection spells) in the show.
Letti’s was the easier sheet to make but the much harder character to figure out. My goal for her was to make her as much a normal person as possible – and this is where a system like Call of Cthulhu where many characters are “normal people” who have fallen into an Eldritch plot would have been more successful. She’s not a character with magic or a character who travels through space to become a demi-god. She doesn’t get a monster familiar or a robot arm; Letti is by this-shows-standards relatively technically mundane. But she’s also smart and cunning and good at coming up with plans and talking her way into and back out of trouble. And I thought that rough would best reflect her competency and ability as well as D&D was ever going to.
How would you make these characters for D&D? What occupations would you have like to see me chose if my Call of Cthulhu sheets had cooperated? What series would you like to see me do next? Let us know in the comments!
Happy Adventuring!