ToyLand: 12″ Commando Spawn from Mortal Kombat 11 on the Way from McFarlane
Al Simmons has spawned a bunch of toys and statues, but none quite like this.
A Government agent, Al Simmons was killed by his own men. Resurrected from the depths of hell, he returns to Earth as the warrior Spawn, guarding the forgotten alleys of New York City. As he seeks answers about his past, Spawn grapples with the dark forces that returned him to Earth, battling enemies and discovering unlikely allies. As he learns to harness his extraordinary powers, he begins to grasp the full extent of what brought him back – and what he left behind. Spawn now finds himself thrust into the Mortal Kombat universe by mysterious circumstances that have yet to unfold. One thing is clear. Fight.
Al got a makeover in MK11 that includes a high capacity rifle, a brutal calf guard, and a face mask that looks great. This is not the first figure to take advantage of the great design, but it is the largest I’ve seen. As part of the digital McFarlane Con, the creator himself showed off the new big guy (along with some of his personal Spawn collection).
The 12″ figs are a bit closer to slightly articulated states the action figures, but their size makes them great for display and McFarlane is much more affordable than Hot Toys or PCS. This rendition of Spawn will be available early next year with an estimated price of around $40. Hopefully, there will be a 7″ version with more articulation and all the detail (the cape texture and shininess are great) coming after this.