Blood Bowl: New Details About Blood Bowl 3 Emerge

Blood Bowl 3 recently had an exhibition at Games Made in France, where developers Cyanide showed off what’s new for the video game
The Blood Bowl video games are Blood Bowl in its purest, distilled down for your PC. You can really get into the world of Blood Bowl. The fans. The stands. The cheerleaders. The pitch. The carnage–as we’ve seen time and time again.
And the newest game in the series, Blood Bowl 3, set to debut sometime soon, just had a big showing in France where developers detailed what’s coming to the game. Let’s take a look.
via Cyanide
As expected, there are 12 teams available at launch: Human, Orc, Dark Elf, Elven Union, Skaven, Dwarf, Nurgle, and Chaos Chosen teams all return, accompanied by four new teams: the Black Orcs and the Imperial Nobility from the latest season of Blood Board, and the Old World Alliance and Chaos Renegades. Each team will have their own strategies, usually just an excuse to pound the opposing team members into a bloody pulp.
They also revealed some under-the-hood details:
Blood Bowl 3 runs on Unreal Engine and will be the most complete and faithful adaptation of the board game to date. For example, it introduces Special Play Cards, which can be used to add temporary skills to units or to assassinate a member of the opposing team before the match begins. Cyanide has also added its own spin on the spoof world of Blood Bowl 3 with a campaign mode and the inclusion of different characters, such as sponsors and charismatic Star Players who will challenge players of the game.
AdvertisementFinally, the developers provided information on customization. There will be more customization options than previous editions: colors, patterns, logos, pieces of armor, stadiums and many other elements can be changed. After launch, Blood Bowl 3 will also be getting more content, competitions, tweaks and community support.
Blood Bowl 3 is a game based on strategy, audacity and risk tied to how the dice fall in a wacky world. The developers have also focused on making the game accessible for new players with a redesigned interface, user-friendly feedback and flexible timers.
So, if you are thinking of giving the game a once-over, you can check out the latest trailer. Or find the full developer interview (though it’s French only). With all the fun, flavor, and flaming bits you’d expect from a game of Blood Bowl, Blood Bowl 3 is ready to delight.
Get ready to dive into Blood Bowl!