Blood Bowl: New Model Teaser & Free Roster Download

Games Workshop is throwing us a bone with a new model teaser. Plus a free downloadable print-and-fill roster for your Blood Bowl Teams!
First up, Warhammer Community is going to start doing a new monthly feature that will include “insights on the beautiful game, previews of upcoming models, free extras, and much more.” They are calling it the Pitchside Report. We’re looking forward to it! The good news is they aren’t waiting until December to roll out this new gift to the Blood Bowl Community. In fact, they have some treats for us right now.
One of the extras they are giving away right now is a new Team Roster. This is a free, downloadable file that you can print off and fill out for your Blood Bowl Teams.
Download Blood Bowl Print-and-Fill Roster Here
Next up, they are also giving us a teaser for things-to-come. I always love a good teaser for an upcoming model! This one is slated for a December reveal, but it’s enough to get us guessing.
Alright – time to fire up your thinking caps and let us know who this could be. Are we going to see the return of a fan favorite Star Player? Maybe Skrull Halfheight?
Based on the old art work from Spike Journal #4 – this is my guess. He’s got the skeletal thing going on. Plus the shoulder pad clearly has a flame paint job. On top of that those bracers sure look similar. I’m rooting for this one but I could be completely off. If you’ve got a guess please let us know in the comments! I’m very curious about this new Blood Bowl model.
We’ll have to wait until December to find out what this one could be (I can’t believe is almost December at the same time, 2020 has felt like an eternity already). In the meantime, Blood Bowl Second Season Edition if up for pre-order and it’s a great boxed set!
Hello again, sports fans! Blood Bowl – the legendary game of fantasy football – returns for a new season of ultra-violent sports mayhem. The plays are bigger, the hits are harder, and every game will be filled with moments to remember.
As the coach of an Imperial Nobility or Black Orcs team, it’s up to you to guide your players through each play, each game, and each season to ultimate victory.
No two matchups are the same. From the moment your team stomps out on the gridiron, your grit, wits, and capacity for grievous violence is put to the test. The action’s fast and furious, but if you keep your head in the game you just might best your opponent and score the most points – or make sure they can’t get back up to stop you. Fame, wealth, and glory await if you win…
This box is stuffed with absolutely everything you need to play smashing games, with two generously-appointed teams and all the extra gubbins.
We’ll be keeping an eye out for the next Pitchside Report – see you in December Blood Bowl Fans!