Earn Your Spot in Valhalla With This ‘Assassin’s Creed’ Eivor Cosplay

Get in the longship, losers, we’re going raiding! Join us as we pledge our shields to the far-traveling, wolf-kissed Eivor from Assassins Creed.
In 2020 Assassin’s Creed Valhalla joined the long-running series and made everyone with even a passing interest in the Viking aesthetic a little more thirsty. And honestly, we get it.
The most unique factor of the Valhalla story is that the main character, Eivor, could be played as either a male OR female… Or both. The animus had some tricks up its sleeve, and nobody was quite sure how that was going to work out. But you could enjoy working your charms on the various men AND women you encounter during your questing. (Be careful where you ply your trade though, because it COULD affect the ending of the game!) Two genders, all the seduction, no waiting.
The Cosplay
In preparation for the launch of this most epic of games, Ubisoft partnered with the powerhouse creative team that is Maul Cosplay, and their construction studio, Defcon Unlimited. Not only do these folks produce top-quality, film-worthy costumes and props, but they are also experts in stuntwork- flawlessly bringing their creations to life on the stage. Naturally, this team was a perfect fit for Assassin’s Creed, and they also created a stunning short film you can’t miss.
The Team
“I smell the stink of a dozen kingdoms in your beard.” – Eivor
“It is a wise leader who considers the needs of others.” – Sigurd
“I will not be captive to another man’s gaudy design. My destiny is mine to weave.” – Eivor
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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