Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Death Watch Army aka I Can Haz 5 Outriders?

Goatboy here with a Death Watch codex army. I love the book and think there are amazing bike tricks it can pull off. Take a look.
It seems poised to really be able to shift to the meta pretty easily with so many ways to build Kill Teams. Plus – they will always have the ability to hold an objective if needed – which can be very powerful if we get an army that has extremely tough but not objective secured options.
As the title says I think the real power is to create a few 5 man Outrider squads that are objective secured. This gives you an aggressive unit that can help get you Engage on all Fronts, hold an objective, and just force your opponent to deal with them. It is a lot of wounds to dig thru and that leaves your other things ready to go. The real shame in the list right now is we don’t have all the glue units released like the Heavy Intercessors and updated Eradicators. It is also kind of sad we can’t throw in a Bladeguard Veteran into the mix but I am sure there could be some balance issues.
Alright let’s just with a basic set up and see how it flows together.
Deathwatch – RIDE!!!
Death Watch Battalion – 0CP
Watch Master – Warlord – Vigilance Incarnate – 125pts
Primaris Librarian – Chief Librarian, Psychic Powers – Fortified with Contempt, Premorphic Resonance, Mantle of Shadow – 130pts
Primaris Chaplain on a Bike – Master of Sanctity, Warlord Trait (-1CP) – Master Orator – 150pts
Apothecary – Chief Apothecary – 100pts
Fortis Kill Team – Furor, Intercessors X 5, Auto Bolt Rifle X 5, Outrider X 5 – 360pts
Fortis Kill Team – Furor, Intercessors X 5, Auto Bolt Rifle X 5, Outrider X 5 – 360pts
Fortis Kill Team – Furor, Intercessors X 5, Auto Bolt Rifle X 5, Outrider X 5 – 360pts
Indomitor Kill Team – Malleus, Heavy Intercessors X 5, Hellstorm Bolt rifle X 5, Eradicators X 5 – 375pts
PTS: 1960 CP: +11
Deathwatch Tactics
I think we could look at giving more relics if it’s needed and maybe a Warlord trait or two – but the overall idea is you have a ton of small units that are both annoying and potentially deadly. The Heavy Intercessors/Eradicator set up could be doubled as well if needed. I just really like the idea of 5 Outrider bikers as it just feels powerful – especially mixing in going all “White Scars” for a turn to get a huge charge as needed.
The Apothecary is set up as I wanted him to become a Chief one and we currently don’t have an Answer if the Primaris one can update to that. I would think he can – but right now per the actual rules it isn’t working. We are still waiting on that FAQ to answer that and a few small things like – what points are the upgrades and why can’t there be a Space Goat chapter?
~For the Emperor!