Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K Deep Dive – Death Guard Greater Blight Drone

Goatboy here again with a buzzing horror to beef up your CSM army – the much improved Greater Blight Drone!
It looks like we only have one thing for the Death Guard to look at in the FW update (At least for now – will see as we wait patiently for an FAQ). Thankfully the only update isn’t a terrible one as it looks like they really amp’d up the Greater Blight Drone in a way to make it both viable and something to maybe build a list around. Check out the Datasheet and will break down on why it is decent now.
First of all, let’s see how it changed. The initial big change is the points dropped on this guy – he went from being very expensive to dropping down to 125 points. The model did lose a few wounds – but somehow gained a BS bump, removal of a staggered profile, and some nice changes to its weapons. These are all important as while the loss of wounds does kind of suck everything else makes it a pretty amazing little thing. I love how it doesn’t have a degrading profile as that is one of the most annoying things to remember as you play something like this. It did lose 3 wounds and is 1 wound less than the normal Bloat Drone – but that is all good as it just can do so much more damage consistently. It is this idea of consistency that makes it pretty dang good. Oh and now it goes faster too. This edition is all about speed and having a giant gross little stinky daemon-engine moving around, throwing out some damage, and taking far away objectives is going to be how the Death Guard will surprisingly beat you up.
Death Guard Buzzing Around
Let’s throw a list together that utilizes a ton of these mini Daemon Engines to get an army that can move around, be hard to get rid of, and something that might survive the upgraded Death Guard codex we have coming.
Death Guard Patrol – 0CP
Plague Company – Poxmongers
Daemon Prince of Nurgle – Wings, Hellforged Sword, Malefic Talon, Relic – Ironclot Furnace, Psychic – Blades of Putrefaction – 195pts
Chaos Lord – Relic (-1CP) Wormspitter, Warlord Trait (-1CP) Arch-Contaminator, Contained Monstrosity (-1CP), Balesw0rd – 85pts
Poxwalkers X 10 – 70pts
Myphitic Blight-Haulers X 3 – 300pts
Myphitic Blight-Haulers X 3 – 300pts
Death Guard Outrider Detachment – -3CP
Plague Company – Poxmongers
Daemon Prince of Nurgle – Wings, Hellforged Sword, Malefic Talon, Warlord Trait – Revoltingly Resilient, Relic – The Suppurating Plate, Psychic – Miasma (-2CP) – 195pt
Foetid Bloat Drone – Plaguespitters X 2 – 155pts
Foetid Bloat Drone – Plaguespitters X 2 – 155pts
Foetid Bloat Drone – Plaguespitters X 2 – 155pts
Greater Blight Drone – 125pts
Greater Blight Drone – 125pts
Greater Blight Drone – 125pts
PT: 1985 CP: +4CP
Fetid Tactics
As you can see it is a lot of gross butts on the tabletop. You are set up to have the following kinds of tricks – Wurmspitter a unit and now all your Blight-Haulers guns go Plague weapon. If the Chaos lord is nearby – which is how they should be deployed – they can also reroll 1’s to hit as well and all wounds. The Other two Daemon Princes are set up to be a Beat Stick and a protection aura – thus letting you move your army around and still be relevant. The Drones are designed to go hit different areas of the board and try to control objectives and other things as well as be very annoying.
Depending on what the Death Guard book gives us we might see some fun Daemon Engine builds rear their gross little heads and vomit on the enemy like the gross buzzing flies they are.
~All Hail Grandfather Nurgle!