Goatboy’s Warhammer 40k: Space Wolf Thunder!

If you don’t know how I like to play – I love monsters running around on the tabletop. Luckily, the Space Wolves have plenty of those.
Anything that is fast, aggressive, and can push the opponent into a corner is how I like to play. This edition rewards me for playing fast armies and when the new Space Wolf book came out you know I got extremely excited to see Thunder Wolves show up in force in the book’s rules. In fact – it is probably one of the best updates we have had for them. The last time they were this good was way back in the day when they were first released – without model support. Of course, this means my first list is looking at doing a huge Thunder Wolf army designed to rush forward, get mixed in, and throw out some damage.
Before I begin let it be known I am trying to fit a ton of Thunder Wolves in this army. I think the correct set up will be 10 plus some Character support but who only wants 10 crazy super wolves. Or crazy goat riding juggernauts if you remember my old Space Goats army. With that in mind will end up going min Troop choices and see if I can fill as many snarling beasts into the army. It’s weird to think about building a new Marine army and not utilizing as many Primaris as you can but Space Wolves love the Firstborn which ends up being a very fluffy thing for the book.
As I move into this territory I think will go with 2 patrols to fill out our army roster. This means at min we start with 10 CP and just have to be smart about not burning it all to make everyone a superhero.
Thunder, Thunder, Thunderwolves!
Space Wolves Patrol – 0CP
Wolf Lord on Thunder Wolf – Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Relic – Armor of Russ, Warlord – Resolve of the Bear – 140pts
Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunder Wolf – Relic – Teeth of Tera (-1CP), Warlord Trait (-1CP) – Wolfkin, Storm Shield – 105pts
Infiltrator X 5 – 120pts
Thunder Wolf Cavalry X 5 – Storm Shield X 5, Lightning Claw X 2, Thunder Hammer X 2 – 290pts
Thunder Wolf Cavalry X 5 – Storm Shield X 5, Lightning Claw X 2, Thunder Hammer X 2 – 290pts
Long Fangs X 5 w/Wolf Guard Terminator – Heavy Bolter X 4, Storm Shield/Storm Bolter – 168pts
Space Wolves Patrol – -2CP
Primaris Chaplain On Bike – Master of Sanctity, Warlord Trait (-1CP) – Wise Orator, Litany of Hate, Canticle of Hate, Exhortation of Rage – 150pts
Canis Wolfborn – 120pts
Infiltrator X 5 – 120pts
Thunder Wolf Cavalry X 5 – Storm Shield X 5, Lightning Claw X 2, Thunder Hammer X 2 – 290pts
Long Fangs X 5 w/Wolf Guard Terminator – Heavy Bolter X 4, Storm Shield/Storm Bolter – 168pts
PTS: 1961 CP: 7
The idea here is to have the Infiltrators set up as needed to ensure we can hit Engage on all Front. The Thunder Wolves are pushing forward to continue that as well as set up to ensure to engage the enemy. I think there could be something said to grab the “Core” options become objective secured but I am just thinking about offensive power at this point and went with Wolfkin. That guy will end up with a ton of attacks on the charge with the Teeth of Terra and you could totally make an amazing looking model for that guy. It is like on bodies but in some ways, this type of army just screams to play fast and aggressive. I didn’t go with any casters because lately, my psychics in games have been awful. Like downright nuts so screw it – it also gives you an option to take Abhor the Witch which fits in well with the overall build design of the army.
Once events start running again be prepared to deal with a ton of Storm Shield Thunder wolves running around again like it’s as 5th edition. Heck, it was how I won Adepticon one year with a slew of Thunder Wolves, some lucky dice rolls, and the Space Goats going Coast to Coast.
Aroooo, Aroooo!