Warhammer 40K: New Tome Keepers Mini-Dex In White Dwarf

The new Index Astartes article in the White Dwarf features a new chapter for Space Marines – and they are getting their own rules, too!
White Dwarf is back with an upcoming Index Astartes spotlight on a Space Marine Chapter. This time around they are showcasing a custom Chapter that the White Dwarf staffers have been working on. Get ready for the Tome Keepers!
“For those of you who’ve been keeping up to speed with recent issues of White Dwarf, you’ll know that the team have been busy developing a Space Marines Chapter of their very own – the aptly named Tome Keepers. If you’ve ever been tempted to design your own Chapter from the ground up, you couldn’t ask for better inspiration! In this month’s issue, the Dwarfers’ efforts have been rewarded, as their homegrown Chapter has earned the right to feature in its very own Index Astartes article! Cool huh?”
On top of the new paint job the article will also feature a good bit of lore for the newly founded Chapter. With details on their founding and homeworld – and more.
The Tome Keepers have taken an oath to protect a mysterious possession of the planet Istrouman’s people. I’m guessing it’s a Tome of some sort based on the name and the few hints we are getting. The article also features a look at the 3rd Company of the Tome Keepers known as “The Godbreakers” and they are getting all the trimmings – names, bios, artwork and a miniatures showcase, too!
They definately have some cool looking conversions going on. I see various bits from many different kits. Can you name where all the bits are from? I don’t know if I can but I do see some Custodes bits, Dark Angels bits, Blood Angels bits, a Tigurius conversion and more.
But it’s not just a lore dump and some cool conversions. The Tome Keepers are getting some custom rules as well.
“As if that wasn’t already cool enough, the Index Astartes culminates in a mini codex supplement that provides rules and even datasheets for the Tome Keepers so you can field them in battle for yourself! Check out the bespoke datasheet for Captain Nasiem of the 3rd Company, for example.”
Looking at the basics of this datasheet the only thing that’s really custom is the Sunwraith Pistol. It appears to be a Plasma Pistol – but with no “on a 1 this model is slain” rule. I’m wondering if there are more rules in the abilities section as well.
I’ve personally always been on the fence about White Dwarf custom rules. Part of me does like the experimentation and the exploration of “non-standard” armies or new chapters. I also like some of the mini-games, mini-dexes, and side game additions that White Dwarf can provide. What I don’t like is forgetting which White Dwarf has which *thing* in it I need. Or trying to find an old edition for “that one rule/army I need” for an army I want to play. It’s probably because I got burned by not getting the OLD Deathwatch rules from White Dwarf many years ago.
There’s also the issue of game balance as many times these White Dwarf mini-dexes are a “one and done” deal. If the edition changes or the overall meta shifts the things that were balanced when these rule came out might not be in at that point. It probably won’t impact the vast majority of players – unless you’re a person who is chasing the meta or got inspired to build an army from a White Dwarf Index Astartes article. While I do applaud your efforts I feel kind of bad because you’re playing with an army that has an expiration date. At least this time it’s Space Marines and you can ALWAYS find a way to play with them.
What do you think of the Tome Keepers? What secret lore do you think they are guarding?