Age of Sigmar BREAKING: New Hedonites of Slaanesh Battletome & Minis Reveal!
GW just rolled out a new batch of over a dozen all-new models for the Hedonites of Slaanesh. Take a look!
Check out the video:
The Minis:
A lot of minis of each category were revealed. Here are a couple of each as examples.
Hedonite Slickblade Seekers
These are mounted Knights armed for melee.
Hedonite Blissbarb Seekers
Mounted Knights with bows.
Hedonite Blissbarb Archers
Archers on foot.
Hedonite Slaangor Fiendbloods
Oversized beastmen out for blood.
Hedonite Shardspeeker
A mysterious character with a mirror.
Take a close look at the cover of the Battletome. There are some interesting things in that artwork that may hint at upcoming reveals. The Mortal followers are really getting their due this time around, all perfectly coinciding with Morathi’s release of the DarkPrince. The models are all fantastic, with both genders appearing all over the place (if gender even exists in the Hedonites). Designwise, they are marvelous with cues taken from various factions of the existing mortal Chaos range, mixed in with cues from steppe peoples of Asia. It’s new and a refreshing change from the all-europe-all-the-time influences of the past.
The video says “February 2021“, so mark your calendars you tabletop degenerates!
~Which models are your favorites?