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Age Of Sigmar: Bring On The Chaos Gors

4 Minute Read
Dec 30 2020
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We’ve got new Slaanesh Gors coming soon with the Hedonites update – where are the rest of the Chaos Beastmen at?

Beastmen are the true children of Chaos – at least according to them – so where have all the specialty ‘Gors gone? Currently, we’ve got a couple flavors of Beastmen in the works – but it’s not like we didn’t have other versions before. So where did they go and are we getting them back?

Basic Beastmen Gors

The Basic Beastmen – aka Gors – are your vanilla, bog standard Gors. Mostly used generically or in chaos unaligned/undivided armies they are your general Gors that are the backbone of a Beastmen army. In the lore, they form your Breyherds and roam around kind of like a force of nature (or chaos). They are rowdy and undisciplined, but in a herd, they can be a big problem.

Tzeentch Gors – Tzaangors

Slightly more avian and a little less goat-like, we have the Tzaangors which are devotees of Tzeentch. They were the first big “relaunch” Gor-flavor and have been a pretty common sight for awhile. They’re pretty solid basic troopers as well. They might not blow anyone away with their statline, but they are also effective in a pack. The key thing here though is that they paved the way for the new chaos-god centric look of the Gors.

Slaanesh Gors – Slaangors

During the Christmas Preview, GW showed off the new Slaangor models in all their glory. What’s interesting about these Gors – other than their mutations – is that they are larger than your typical other Gors.


You can see in this picture they are on larger bases and are more physically imposing than their smaller cousins. I’m liking their elongated features and those claws look pretty gnarly.

Nurgle Gors – Pestigors

Pestigors used to be a thing. Unfortuately, GW pushed them to the Made-To-Order treatment and have since pulled them from their website. These Gors were devotees of Nurgle and had those early signs of Rot and Disease on their models. Perhaps there are plans to bring them back one day with a new plastic kit. My guess is they would be large and bloated but probably a lot tougher to kill.

Maybe like Blightkings, but with more Goat-like features and less armor?


Who knows – perhaps Papa Nurgle has plans for them yet…

Khorn Gors – Khorngor

And finally, we have another unit that was moved to the MTO line and has since been removed – Khorngors. These beastmen with chainmail were followers of Khorne, tooks skulls, and shed blood for the blood god. They were also a big fan of axes, too.

This is one unit I’d really like to see get a rework in the future. Maybe even get some more Bloodletter-like features, specifically the horns. That could be a cool look for them. Then again, Bloodletters are kind of beastmen-like due to their hooves and legs being similar:

Maybe if they get a rework, Khorngors will get armor but also some girth to make them different from Bloodletters in appearance but also distinct from their other beastmen cousins. The armor would be a nice callback to their previous incarnation, too.


Personally, I’ve liked the two reworks for the Beastmen-turned-Chaos devotees. I’m hoping the old school units get an update for AoS in the future, too.


The Forces of Chaos are wild and diverse – always room for more!

Author: Adam Harrison
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