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Age of Sigmar: New Slaanesh Character Model Revealed

3 Minute Read
Dec 4 2020
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The Shardspeaker of Slaanesh is coming to Age of Sigmar soon. Who is this mysterious new character? Let’s take a closer look.

This is an interesting one coming to the stage by way of Warcry of all places. But let’s back-up a second. From a lore perspective, the Hedonites of Slaanesh are about to royally shake things up because the Dark Prince is back in the Mortal Realms after the events of Broken Realms: Morathi.

We already know that they are center-stage in the recent Shadow & Pain box. They are also getting a fantastic new Sigvald model along with some new friends to back him up.

And now we’re getting yet another model for the Slaanesh followers – enter the Shardspeaker of Slaanesh!

via Warhammer Community

“The Hedonites of Slaanesh are getting ready to make power moves across the Mortal Realms, and their army includes as-yet-unseen reinforcements. Some of these Slaanesh Sybarites are also journeying to the Eightpoints, via the Agents of Chaos book for Warcry which is available for pre-order from Saturday!

 We thought you’d delight in having a sneak peek at one of the support Heroes that epitomises the mysterious and unsettling nature of the Dark Prince’s mortal worshippers. Meet the Shardspeaker of Slaanesh. “



There’s a lot to unpack with this one. GW says that “the Shardspeaker’s abilities are far more insidious and subtle.” They use a magical mirror and mists to mess with their victims minds with the ability to “[drive] them mad and [force] them to confront and submit to their most shameful desires.” That sounds…Slaaneshi to me.

Again, this model is apparently be in the new Warcry Agents of Chaos book coming out for Pre-order this weekend. We don’t have any rules for this model is AoS at this point – but those can’t be too far behind. That also makes us wonder if we’re about to see a brand new book involving Slaanesh directly at this point. Broken Realms: Morathi certainly had Slaanesh around but I wouldn’t say involved. But now the Dark Prince is free and his forces are gathering…


It’s only a matter of time at this point. The Hedonites of Slaanesh seem like they are on the cusp of getting a new book of some type. Will it be a full, new battletome or will it be an update via the next (or future) chapter of the Mortal Realms? That’s the big question and that’s what we’re all waiting for. Personally, I think it will be a new battletome. Why? Because Sigvald is coming back and I doubt he’d want anything less than a full-fledged battletome to usher in his return.

Although they did kind of stick him in a trailer that looked uh…questionable. It does make me wonder if Sigvald is really as amazing as HE thinks he is or if he’s more of a joke. I guess we’ll have to wait until he gets fully unleashed to find out. Either way, Slaanesh is building up to an update – a new battletome or Broken Realms book – one way or another!

Well, you know who to blame for this.

Author: Adam Harrison
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