Goatboy’s 40K Gallery – Space Goats Army Complete!

At Last! The army that started off this whole Goatboy persona nonsense is complete… for now.
Or at least what got me started as a 40k personality. If you remember me from many moons ago the Space Goats were my Counts as Space Wolf army I won a few events with back in the 5th edition days. Basically, they came up with the Thunder Wolf unit but didn’t release a model – thus my desire to use as many juggernauts as I could. In fact, I got so many metal ones (which I just sent off to a buddy) I could initially do this army – but instead, I just kept painting more Juggernauts. GW came out with plastic ones, and I just never stopped. Anyway – here are some pics of the complete army.
I will post a list sometime later as I finish some stragglers for new ideas as I wait for big events to start up again.
Goat Outriders are counts-as Outriders (SURPRISE)!
Juggers are counts-as Thunderwolves
Chaos Hounds are counts-as Fenfrisian Wolves
The three Gorebeasts are counts-as Character Thunderwolves
I really missed painting these guys and was glad a local store had some Beastmen I could buy. It’s been a bit of a lull for the Goat on armies as I haven’t been able to play and thus – my desire to get something tabletop ready is just not nearly as strong as it used to be. Still, I love me some Space Goats so I was happy to knock these guys out in-between some commission work.
Check Out Space Goat Unit Closeups Here
~Now what Marine units should I add next to the Goat Horde?