Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: About that Forge World FAQ

Goatboy here to talk about the extremely interesting Forge World FAQ and what it means for Chaos.
Thankfully FW got an FAQ to update some things and allow those pesky poor non Chaos Space Marines a chance to use some of that FW goodness. I sure hope everyone didn’t get rid of their Thousand Sons and Death Guard Termite drills. Those things are back baby and maybe still amazing for DG – depending on how the new book will be. With the overall change to how they are gonna dish out mortal wounds (most likely not) I expect the grenade trick to go away (my friend Clint cheers in the background cuz I am a meanie and introduced him to grenade hell on his first game). With that – let’s talk a bit about how this shifts up Chaos.
Remember how I talked about the Decimator being good – it is still good for both of these other Chaos Space Marine armies. In fact – I saw if you are planning on playing Chaos we should all look at the Soul Burners of the Decimators and how we can throw them into an army. Targeted Mortal Wound generation has gotten to be very rare in this new edition – so having a unit get that with a decent amount of wounds is a great thing. We don’t know if Disgustingly Resilient gets dumped on all models in a DG army as the only true datasheet we have seen – Morty’s – has it on there as a Keyword. It will be interesting as they gain some new keywords – thus linking them into the Death Guard Army.
Goodbye Chaos Soup?
Speaking of Keywords – can you see the soup element of Hereticus Astartes going away? It seems T Sons and the Stank Bros are now going to be their own type of Astartes. This is an interesting change and the best way to handle tweaking “soup” aspects beyond the whole Good Guy, Bad Guy, and Xenos stuff. I think this change is much more subtle and with armies gaining a lot by being mono army I think it is a good thing. Of course, Chaos has a whole other “soup” element that might need to be looked at with the whole Chaos God nonsense. I could see Nurgle armies being a pain until they decide to rework Daemons and force things to be much more “Chaos Daemon only” clubhouses in the future. We’ll see – as I don’t expect a Daemon book for a bit. Or I hope we don’t see one for a bit and would rather see a true rework instead of a quick slap and tickle.
On the Thousand Sons front, you guys get all the good stuff. I had a client somewhat sad due to the Contemptors and Leviathans I painted for them being Thousand Sons. Now he doesn’t need to get those repainted – I just need to add some guns as needed. This is a good thing as the army felt very – lacking lately due to lack of updates and the whole nerf to the amount of Smites one can throw. I still think we won’t see these guys until they gain a wound amongst their dusty brethren.
The other interesting thing in all the FW stuff is there are no limits to what they can get on these two factions. Obviously, if they can’t take a Mark of Nurgle or Tzeentch they can show up – but there are some things that originally were not there in 8th that can now show up. I have always thought that DG could really use some Chaos Rapiers – especially just having a butt load of Heavy Bolter shots. Again if the army has ways to throw out Plague Keywords to units a squad of 3 could potentially throw out a good deal of shooting. The other options also help give your army more Anti-tank firepower if needed. This is one of those nice simple changes that would have been game-changing in the last edition – but now we all will have to wait and see.
Mastodon – OH YEAH!
Oh – and let me tell you how excited I am to think of terrible Mastodon lists full of whatever gross goodness Nurgle will produce. There has to be something nasty we can put in there when the new book comes out so I am extremely excited to math hammer it out. Things that are annoying in this update, are that again they didn’t answer anything about the Chaos Drop pods and how they would work. I am sure will see another one but right now they work pretty funky. I am sure we’ll get it figured out – especially if people start trying to play them whenever the big events come back with a vengeance next year.
Overall this update was good as it just gave a nice gift to those other Chaos armies. It’s a nice thing while we wait for the DG. The Thousand Sons get to feel like they are not nearly as forgotten anymore. I mean sure – they haven’t got those sweet extra wounds yet but we all can hope they will show up before long. What units are you excited to shift over into your T Sons and soon to be updated Stank Bros? I’ve always had a soft spot for the Rapier batteries even though I have never played with the three I made – there is just something there I think especially getting access to no LOS firepower if needed. Plus we have no clue if the DG get anything beyond Bolters, flamers, and Fat Mortars so having the option for something heavy seems like a good thing.
What would you put into a Death Guard Mastodon?