Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K Armies – New Year Plans

Goatboy here with some thoughts I have for my Warhammer 40K armies in the upcoming year. So many armies, and so little time!
Some things I think I will want to build out based on my own dreams and whenever the plastic crack supply starts coming back in. There are a ton of lists I want to do – but with a lack of model availability and just sheer lack of getting games in I am slow rolling trying to find it. This doesn’t mean I am not trying to get it knocked out – it just means I got time to percolate a bit and get this nonsense rolling.
Fistful of Dreadnoughts
The first army I am toying with is getting together some kind of Dreadnought nonsense. I have two different thoughts to do – one is using my current Marine army scheme and filling out a Dreadnought set for it. This would involve 3 Redemptors and maybe some Tactical Warsuits to set up some kind of mass of metal that controls the middle. I keep thinking will just go Iron Hands but the idea of advance and charge Dreadnoughts seems good as a board control/bully army. It also means I don’t need a ton of stuff beyond those Dreadnoughts and figuring out if I want to get the Warsuits or not.
The other side of the same Dreadnought coin is looking at making them all Space Goats. This again means I get to covert stuff a bit using Ork dreadnought parts with the Space Marine parts. It also means I need to get 3 Redemptors and 3 regular Dreadnoughts to build some Wulfen dreads out of it. It lets me do a ton of conversion as well as utilize an aesthetic I like. I finished up my current Space Goats army and if I want to go hog wild into this concept for the year I might need to shift to that. Thankfully I got time to think as there are no Redemptors available to what looks like Feb per the web. When I look back over all my Warhammer 40K armies, I keep leaning towards Space Goats as I missed painting those jerks after working on the update – so will see.
Exhuming the Death Guard
After that, I will have to think about updating my Death Guard. I have slow bought 2 Foetid Bloat drones and currently building them to be the roller versions. I think they might actually be good with the shift to 3+ to hit, a large number of attacks the basic one has, and maybe a shift to a non-degrading damage profile (based on how FW changed). Daemon engines seem poised to come strong this coming year and I think the DG ones will be a pain in the butt with a -1 to damage, inv save, and just a large amount of wounds. This also means I should shift to the little drone too as I have 3 and could probably use some more.
Beyond that will have to see how much the points change on DG as I have 60 close combat kitted DG currently painted. If the Defilers stay good I bet they might show up again but will have to see. I already talked about the little Rapier Carrier batteries are so I might look towards making some DG ones. Just having some random Heavy Bolter fire mixed with the “Plague” gifting pistol might be good. Of course, that depends on if it is staying there so will see. I had a conversion idea for the batteries and making them all DG might be the key to unlocking this conversion from my head. Oh and I should paint my Morty at some point too.
Chaos Knights
After that, it gets hazy on what I want to do. I still need to make an evil Big Knight for my bad guy armies. I have the kit, pieces to do it, and a love of big monsters so I should work on that next. It would be one of those fun giant Nurgle messes that could look cool, be a centerpiece of a bad army, and let me go for cool versus decent. This means I need more baby knights to convert up to try and get as many on the tabletop to let me win some games. It is an army set on hard mode which is interesting to try and win with. Not sure if that will let it all work – but it is something to think about as I look towards my year and what I need to work on for myself to keep my hobby juices flowing.
New Chaos Legions?
I am sure something new will pop up that might catch my interest. There are over two dozen Warhammer 40k armies, but if the rumored Emperor’s Children ever come out it would be something to work on. Those new Hedonites have my spideysense tingling. I’ve always had a soft spot to do a true World Eaters army too – so if that army ends up working out well with a Chaos Space Marine release it could be cool. I’ll still need to get ahold of a drill or two – just to complete my whole idea to have as many tools to do whatever job I want. I am planning on getting another Glass Case or two to set up armies and clean up my room a bit so will see.
The Greenskins
I am always fighting an urge to do a Warbuggy Ork army because I love the models but don’t want to build and paint them so much. Plus – it would cost a pretty penny. As I look forward to this next year I know I want to get an event in before I go hog wild on a new list – just to ensure I like it before I jump feet first into something new, expensive, and time-consuming.
~Those are my current “army plans” for the year. What is your next dream army plan for next year?