Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Goodbye 2020

Goatboy here and I just want to say a few things as we wrap up a year none of us will ever forget.
Goatboy here and as we close out 2020 I just want to say thank you for all the readers that have kept on reading my 40k nonsense all these years. I have written about 40k for a long time – and I will continue to write about it as the year moves along. It is the game that completes a lot of my mental hobbies and one of the connectors to a ton of good friends I have out there. This friendship I have with a ton of people around the country is what keeps me going during this what will be a long year of tournament drought that I hope I can end after getting a shot this coming next year.
Remember the before-times? That was only 9 months ago.
What a Year…
With that – let go into what I look forward to as we get a chance to move towards a better sense of normalcy. I already talked about it a little – but I miss my friends terribly. There are a ton of characters out there that I enjoy seeing every year – people that I might not have never met if it wasn’t for this game of futuristic war and darkness. I miss going out to eat after an event and talking about all the nonsense that happened in our games. I miss hearing about my friends talking about their future plans – kids, work, and new army nonsense. I miss seeing friends succeed whether it is on the tabletop or with their business involving this game we all play. I just miss the excitement of going to a new event and seeing if can bring my own sense of good times 40k to the tabletop.
I am thankful though I did have my family and my local friends to keep me propped up a bit. If it wasn’t for my wife and my kids I would have been a very sad Goatboy in a house full of plastic nonsense. I am thankful I found some new hobbies to take up my time a bit in-between army painting. I even got a chance to do a bit more art than I might not normally get a chance to. Just saying while it has sucked not having seeing friends – I have found ways to make sure I mentally stayed healthy. This is important as a lot of the people in this hobby forget that. If you’ve met me you know I am an extroverted dude – so this being locked away has been a strain on me mentally.
Hello 2021
This next year I have a lot to be thankful for – Death Guard are coming and hopefully a Chaos Space Marine update soon after that. It looks like some new models will come down too. I am not feeling a “new” army just yet – as I finished a few during my lockdown I am less likely to go hog wild into something new. I want to update and add some more – especially since I haven’t really played lately. I got a few games in before it got bad locally and will most likely end up getting a chance to play sometime later in January. I am still excited though and I think Death Guard will make me happy towards the end of January.
Stay Safe – We’re Getting There
To everyone I have met over the years – please be safe. I don’t want to wait till I get to go to an event again and hear about someone passing away. We had someone pass on my Sister-in-Laws side that makes sad and I don’t want to see any of my other friends and families suffer. It’s been a hard year and while I have had work I know a lot of people haven’t. This game connects us all even though we might not agree about everything – and this game will continue to connect us as we get ready to break out and see everyone again.
What are you thankful for this year? What armies are you looking forward to getting ahold of when the supply stream starts back up again? How many armies did you paint up during this time away? Did you get anything good this year?