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GW Advent Engine: Day 4 – The Weight Of The World

3 Minute Read
Dec 4 2020

Day 4 of the Rumor Engine in Advent Mode has brought us a new peak into the future. And this one has the weight of the world on his shoulders.

It’s 24 days of sneak peeks from Games Workshop thanks to the Rumor Engine’s new Advent Mode. You can check out the previous day’s sneak peek here. And now, let’s get to the new one!

via Warhammer Community

“Welcome to the Advent Rumour Engine! As a Christmas gift, we’re revving up the Rumour Engine to offer a tantalising glimpse at future Warhammer models every day in the run up to Christmas. 

Take a look behind today’s window and join us on the Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar Facebook pages to share your guesses. Then come back tomorrow for another mysterious image – and no cheating by trying to open a window early!”

This is an interesting model preview. We’re clearly looking at a statue in miniature form. It appears to be a marble statue from the paint job (or at least some type of stone). It also appears to be based off of the classical greek figure of Atlas holding the world on his shoulders:



What makes this so interesting is that it is an image from the ancient world. So, just based on the fact that it comes from Earth’s ancient history, I would have to assume that it rules out Age of Sigmar and the Mortal Realms. That would only leave Warhammer 40,000 as an option.

Now, if it is Warhammer 40,000, and because it’s based on an image from classical Greek Mythology, I would also assume that it would have to be for something from the Imperium. Greece would have been a place in Ancient Terra’s history so that’s where this image would have come from. So now the question is who would create it and have it as a part of one of their miniatures?

One thing I’d like to point out is that the figure from the Advent Engine picture is holding up something – and that may not be the world. This figure also has it’s facial features worn off. Is it still a human or maybe something abhuman?



In either case, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen 40k reach back to the ancient history of Earth. We’ve also had the Blood Angels Primar Sanguinius model from Forge World that clearly took some inspiration from the Archangel Michael statues. Could this be another nod to a ancient figure?

Guilliman’s Heresy Era Model also liked the marble…


So what do you think? New Primarch on the way? Something different? Maybe it’s the Emperor holding up the Warp?! Now I want to see the statue/miniature in full…

Author: Adam Harrison
  • GW Advent Engine: Day 3 - This One Has Some Bite

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