Warhammer 40K BREAKING: Updated Mortarion Confirmed

Mortarion’s is back with an updated set of stats for 9th edition. Take a look.
This image from a miniature assembly guide has been doing the rounds this morning. It appears to be from a new repacked 9th Edition Mortarion. It is all over facebook, and various forums.
Updated Mortarion
Some items from the updated statlines:
- Toughness increases from 7 to 8
- Attacks increase from 6 to 7
- Silence’s Evicerating Blow damage changes from D6 to D3+3!!!
- Silence’s Reaping Scythe is missing.
- The Lantern changes from R:18″ to R:12″
It looks like the increased lethality and durability coming to the Death Guard infantry are coming to their Primarch as well. The move to T8 is significant with all the S4 small arms now wounding on 6s, and all the S8 weapons (melta, etc…) wounding on 4s. Morty is going to be a bear to bring down. Silence changing from damage D6 to D3+3 is nasty, nasty nasty. Reaping Scythe is missing, but it may be back in the full datasheet. In any case, this guy is going to wreck shop with that thing.
I assume the full datasheet will arrive in codex Death Guard along with the new points and I can hardly wait!
All praise Grandfather Nurgle!