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Warhammer 40K: The Birth of Asdrubael Vect

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Feb 13 2024
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Today we travel back to 2000 to see the arrival of Asdrubael Vect into the Grimdark.

Let’s turn the page back to a cold Christmas season in 1999. Warhammer 3rd Edition was upon us and the new hotness was the skinny Dark Eldar codex, out only a few months before. It was an all-new range and GW, as usual, was drip, drip, drip releasing it over several months. That December the January 2000 issue of White Dwarf 241 arrived with the ultimate villain to beat all villains. Asdrubael Vect had arrived!

Let’s wade into the issue.  First off, we got some news that an all-new set of Dark Eldar was arriving in this issue. They were under the control of a new big baddie (Vect), and we got some info on Kabal of the Black Heart. We also got some info on Lelith way back in the day. Finally, they let us know the issue contained not a full battle report, but instead a giant painted army highlighting Vect. More on that later.

Enter Asdrubael Vect

After skipping over some overlay dark and dramatic Dark Eldar storytelling (just watch The Crow and play Vampire The Masquerade instead), we get to the rules.

Wait, Vect Does WHAT!

Let me just tell you right now that back in 3rd Edition a Raider with AV 14/14/14, sporting really heavy firepower, and that kind of melee ability was NO LAUGHING MATTER. You let the Dais of Destruction get into your lines and well, you were packing up early and only had yourself to blame. Here’s a little bit of additional backstory on Vect, courtesy of young sporty Gav:


Vect’s Miniature

Now that we saw the rules and background, onto the main course, the all-new miniature:

It really has it all. It’s plastic, it’s metal, it’s got a zillion little pieces. It’s got Incubi, it’s got slave girls (who perhaps are just Blood Bowl cheerleaders on a bender), and Vect himself on his throne. It’s a hover pimpmobile, and the closest thing to a flying Genestealer Cult Coven Limo that GW ever made. Also, a word of warning: If you dropped it… game over – there will be hobby tears! The Dias of Destruction was one of those lovely metal-plastic kits that there is no proper glue for, and are happily all part of the past.

Asdrubael Vect’s Army

At long last GW gave you the giant splash picture you had been waiting for, Vect’s personal army. For its era, it did not disappoint. It was one of those classic GW “one of everything” setups, but hey – at least there are four squads of Warriors.  Still for 3rd Edition – it’s massive. Little did we know that Vect’s days on the tabletop were numbered.


~It’s been 24 years, and who knows’ maybe one day Vect will return – to the tabletop that is!  Come on 10th Edition!

Author: Larry Vela
  • Warhammer 40K: Fuegan, the Burning Lance