Warhammer 40K: The Only War Humble Bundle

Join up with the Imperial Guard today–you can find all of the Only War books under one single humble bundle. Get every Only War book for one great price.
Only War is one of the greatest 40K rpgs out there, and it’s because it gets the scale of 40K juuuuust right. You’re not trying to represent the power of either fictionalized space marines, or even just tabletop marines. You’re playing Guard. They’re poorly trained, underequipped, and they are thrown up against the worst the galaxy has to offer. Yet for all that, they keep fighting on.
Sure it’s because they keep getting threatened with execution for cowardice if they disobey orders, but you know what, it makes for a great RPG. And now’s your chance to get all of the books thanks to an amazing humble bundle. Check it out.
via Humble Bundle
Humble RPG Book Bundle: Warhammer 40K: Black Crusade & Only War by Cubicle 7
Now form up, soldiers!