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Warhammer: New Year, New Army – Earn A Pin Badge

3 Minute Read
Dec 30 2020
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Your local Warhammer Store has a cool pin you can earn by painting an new force.

The New Year is quickly approaching and that means it’s the time to start up those New Year Resolutions or if you’re a Warhammer Fan, it’s time to start thinking about a new army! To help keep you motivated, Games Workshop has a new contest happening at your local Warhammer Store.

via Warhammer Community

“Now that you’re suitably inspired, it’s worth remembering that Warhammer stores around the world will also be taking part in New Year, New Army. So, if you bring in your newly painted force by the 20th of February, you’ll receive this awesome pin badge as a reward for your incredible work.”

It’s a cool pin for sure. I like the paint brushes with the two different style wings. It might be worth earning this just to attach it to the army bag of the “newly painted force” that earned it.

I’m eyeing this Blood Angel Combat Patrol Box…

Unfortunately, it’s a little light on the details. I’m assuming all you have to do is have a newly painted army/force and bring that into your local Warhammer Store before February 20th to earn this badge…but I have questions. For starters, do I need to have a receipt or something to show that the army is indeed “new” or something? Do I have to purchase the force in the store? How large of a “force” are we talking about – Combat Patrol? Fully painted 2k list? Is there a painting standard? I’m assuming Battle Ready at minimum – but I could be wrong.


I’m not trying to game the system here, I’d just like to know the requirements to earn the badge besides “show up with a newly painted force.” Why? Because I have some models that I’ve been sitting on due to lockdown and I haven’t got a game in with them. Does that count as a “new” force since I haven’t completed them yet? You know, I doubt the folks working at the Warhammer Stores are going to be that nitpicky about it – but I’d still like to “earn” this badge properly.

Does a single Gladiator count? I could do that by February 20th…

So here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to take a picture today of some unpainted minis, I’ll get them finished before February 20th, and then I’ll go into my local Warhammer Store and see about getting a badge. Or maybe I’ll call them first…I haven’t thought that far out. I could make a trip up there…I always need more paint and supplies, right? Wait a minute, is this just a trick to get me to go to my local store and buy stuff?! Well played, GW…well played.

I still want that badge though.



Are you going to stop in your Local Warhammer Store for the badge? Maybe call ahead to see if they have them and how to earn one.

Author: Adam Harrison
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