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D&D: New Book Spotted – Announcement Next Week

3 Minute Read
Jan 8 2021
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It looks like 2020 started a trend: a new D&D book is on the horizon, with details coming next week, according to a newly spotted reveal.

That’s right folks a new mystery book has been spotted, due for launch on January 12th. This is likely one of the new setting books coming in 2021–given that last year around this time we got wind of the Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount, it feels like it’s something similar coming. The price is right too–everything about this looks like a standard hardcover release. It’s too early for the big summer/September adventure, but besides that, here’s what we know so far.

The book was spotted on Amazon, as well as Penguin Random House, and Barnes & Noble. Temporarily titled D&D March Title, this book will retail for $49.95, weighs 1.25 pounds, according to Amazon, and is due out March 16th. Of course, we won’t have to wait until March to see what it is. There’s little enough description about the book, but what there is reads thusly:

Your first look at the next Dungeons & Dragons title comes on January 12! Keep an eye on wherever you get your D&D news for a preview of the book.

So, next Tuesday we’ll have a glimpse of the new book. Again, this is most likely one of the new setting books, and as usual with these, we can get an idea of what we might expect by looking back at recent Unearthed Arcana. A quick stroll down memory lane reveals past regrets about chances not taken, brief glimpses at happier times–was it true happiness? Or was it that the world was simpler because perspective hadn’t filled in the cracks of possibilities with the dismal grey of reality?–and recent Unearthed Arcana subclasses with two different flavors. First there were Undead and Spirit focused ones, with a new bard that speaks the tales of spirits, as well as a new Undead patron warlock. Then late last year we got a peek at two Dragon focused subclasses for monks and rangers.

Which could suggest a return to either Krynn or Ravenloft. Both of these worlds really fit the flavor of the classes we’ve seen previewed. Though the undead and the dragons take on different qualities depending on which world they’re crashing into. And there are two fairly compelling arguments for either. For one, there’s the recent Dragonlance lawsuit that was “dismissed without prejudice” which could mean WotC wants to clear the way for a return to Krynn.


But in the Ravenloft Corner, there’s a new line of miniatures coming out, also in March, called the Boneyard. This is a new Icon of the Realms set which was previewed at MinisGallery last year, and it features a new Death Knight mini. So Ravenloft might be in the cards, if not in March then later this year.

Either way, we’ll know soon enough what the book is, so stay tuned! And who knows, the information may well leak over the weekend, so keep an eye out folks.

Happy Adventuring!

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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