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Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Triple C’Tan Domination

4 Minute Read
Jan 14 2021
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Goatboy here again – trying to figure out if we can play three C’tans with enough board control to dominate games. I think we can.

I think my latest creation just deals with me loving to play giant dumb monsters and seeing if that could work.  Of course, I have no idea if it would even be good – but it would look neat.  If I ever built this list I would see about converting each C’Tan out of other bits with just the Void Bringer staying the same kit.  There is something about having a Giant floating death thing.  Most likely utilize some of the Endless Spells and other bits to create something otherworldly.

Since I want to play 3 of them it means I need 3 Detachments.  I think the cheapest and best way to even do this is to utilize 3 Patrols.  It means 3 Troop choices but I have thought of using 3 20 man blobs of Necron Warriors to try and get them to work.  They would give me some board presence and “bubble” wrap to ensure my leaders can float around.  The game isn’t just about beating people up as we need to ensure we move and can hold objectives – thus my thought with going with 3 units of 20.  Plus the bits to make them survive longer and be more of a presence on the battlefield.

From there – pick 3 HQ’s to help keep things moving, look at some cool elites, and then whatever else I can use to buff things up.  Again I want this to be a simple army so will try to keep it basic enough to work.  I don’t need to have a ton of stuff as again I want to keep this simple.  I expect to use all 3 Named options but who knows – will see as the points are worked out.

So with that – here is my triple Character C’Tan list.

Necron Patrol – 0CP

Catacomb Command Barge – Warlord – Thrall of The Silent King, Relic – Voltaic Staff – 150pts
Immortals X 5 – Gauss Blaster X 5 – 85pts
C’Tan Shard of the Void Dragon – 350pts


Necron Patrol – -2CP

Royal Warden – Relic (-1CP) – Veil of Darkness – 85pts
Necron Warriors X 20 – 260pts
C’Tan Shard of the Nightbringer – 370pts

Necron Patrol – -2CP


Technomancer – 75pts
Necron Warriors X 20 – 260pts
C’Tan Shard of the Deceiver – 350pts

PTS: 1975 CP: +7

The Star Gods Rise

This is just a basic list using the 3 C’Tan shards to do some damage, some movement ability with Veil and friends, and then just some bodies to control.  I think I might just make my own Dynasty here with the increased Range of Guns and more damage on the guns as I have 40 Necron Warriors.  If not that it would be Mephrit but that is more so just due to how the App was working when building the list.  Overall it is just 3 big monsters with bubble wrapping friends so it could work.  I mean you can throw out Mortal wounds which is always something I like to do.  The HQ make up could be tweaked but again I need 3 Detachments to get 3 C’Tan shards working.

Plus – cost wise it isn’t a crazy expensive list to try and get working – beyond finding the two C’Tan shards or creating them out of stuff.

~Do you think the list can pull it off? three C’tan are certainly lethal!


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