Marvel Cosplay: The Vision from WandaVision

As we journey into the past with The Vision and Scarlet Witch in the newest installment of Marvel and Disney+, lets take a peek into the cosmic Cosplays to come out of WandaVision!
The Vision has long been one of the most fascinating Marvel heroes for me. With his wisdom and wit, it’s the ideal coming of age when you’re made of technology story. With the release of the Disney+ and Marvel collaboration of WandaVision which dropped last week, we’re finally going to learn more about the dynamic duo that is Wanda Maximoff and The Vision, as they work their way through every American Sit-Com of the past. But what can we expect to see on the silver screen? Here is a short and sweet article that gives a bit more context, HERE.
This next cosplay comes from a Body Builder who has a fantastic array of superhero cosplay creations. We all know that most superheros have UNREAL proportions not capable of being found in the real world, well this gent does an amazing job of bringing them to life. This cosplay comes from the 2015 DragonCon, and you can see more of his work HERE.
DT VRAAAM Photography
2015 seems to have been the YEAR for Vision, as seen by this selection of captures from New York Comicon. There were several Visions to be seen at the Con, from every level of skill and cosplay execution. We particularly dig the realism in the face of this cosplay, the details and textures are amazing! (If you have details of who the Cosplayer is, please send them in so we can update this article!) Check out more of this Photographers work HERE.
Check out the BOOTS and the chest piece on this one. GORGEOUS.
Paul Sheppard Photography
Another talented cosplay Con photographer here with the Vision to capture the best cosplays. (So sorry, I couldn’t stop myself). Check out his work HERE.
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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