Bring Your Bolt Action Terrain to Life with this WW2 Train Station

Ever want to move your WW2 Bolt Action games into the train yards? Things from the Basement may have you covered in their newest Kickstarter campaign!
In this Kickstarter campaign, the company aims to bring trains, rail cars, and a train station to our tabletops. They scaled these terrain pieces to 28mm, so your Bolt Action figures will fit right in on this set.
For the purists out there, this is a World War II Soviet Railroad. That said, no one will take you away for using this terrain kit to represent other regions while you wargame.
Now, this Kickstarter has already funded and Things from the Basement was kind enough to send me a pre-release copy of their train station for review. Let’s take a closer look!
World War II Soviet Train Station
This terrain kit has got to be one of the best that I built in recent memory when it comes to precision. There was no filing down or trimming of parts necessary to make this one work. It just fit together as it should. Not all MDF kits are built that way.

Building my WW2 train station. I like to use watered down wood glue when I work with my MDF and HDF terrain projects.
One thing that I will note is that when you open the bag, the smell of freshly laser cut wood terrain fills your home. That didn’t bother me, but Mrs. Must Contain Minis was not impressed. I built the model in the garage and left the kit out there for some time. The smell seems to have mostly dissipated.
Once built, I was left with a really beautiful model. Check this out.
The doors on this model work and, on top of that, the interiors are accessible.

The roof just comes off nice and easily. Oh… You can fit 20 Bolt Action miniatures in there too. 10 per side.
The Full Review on YouTube
Wrapping it up…
This train station is a really nice piece of terrain. It goes together smoothly and I did not have to fight with any of the pieces to make them fit. If you are sensitive to the smell of laser cut wood, you may want to air this product out before working on it in your house. If that smell doesn’t bother you, or you like it, then this product is ready to go. The instructions are easy to follow and I recommend that you read through them before working on the project.
If you want a deeper review, I have that on my personal site. I also have an in-depth video review for you on YouTube if that is what you prefer.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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Must Contain Minis is my personal reviews, showcases, and battle reports website where I look at mostly Indie and Historical Games. Mainstream games and products also enter the mix. You can also follow me on Social Media. I am very active on Facebook and share posts of a wide variety. I upload my best pictures to Instagram and am also on Twitter. Oh, I am on YouTube now too!
My aim is to promote gaming with companies outside of those that already dominate the gaming market.