D&D Accessories: A Mimic Invasion
Worrying about what is and isn’t a mimic in your D&D games is one thing, but now we’re giving the side-eye to this mimic mimicking D&D accessories.
Mimics can be anywhere or look like anything, and it’s one of the best and most meme-able things about them. Is that chest a mimic? How about that pot? What about that chair? Surely this pillow is safe.
Cute Mimic Figure
Mimics probably shouldn’t be sort of cute, but this one manages to be. The classic teeth in a treasure chest look is quinisential Dungeons and Dragons and instantly recognizable as a mimic, and the whole set of other D&D monsters are equally as adorable. Will it ward other adventurers away from your treasure? Probably not. But it’ll be very cute on your tabletop gaming shelf.
Mimic Dice Bag
Another play on the treasure chest disguised mimic, dice bags are a really functional way to sneak a mimic onto your D&D table. The little teeth and angry eyes are a little subtle, but still unmistakable for other dungeon crawlers and is sure to be a conversation starter. There’s also an elastic closure as well as a zipper to keep your dice extra safe after you put them back in the mimic bag while saying, “omnomnomnom!”
Mimic Outhouse
Truly the most nightmarish of nightmare scenarios, one day your DM may want to give your characters a way to relieve themselves only to turn it into an adventurer eating tooth monster. And for that day the perfect miniatures will be available. There’s no shortage of mimic minis out there, but these are some of my favorites. They detail and movement between the two forms makes the second feel so organic and real. Plus, they’re honestly hilarious.
Mimic Earrings
D&D jewelry can be a subtle way of wearing your interests, and this simple 2D mimic design may look like nothing to anyone who doesn’t play, but will be an instant conversation starter for people who get it. Coming in literally every color of the rainbow, there’s a set of mimic earrings for every outfit or character. Hopefully, since you can see right through them, these earrings won’t be more than they seem and take a bite out of your year.
This Chair Is Definitely Not A Mimic
This is a common enough joke that you’ve likely seen it at least a few times before with varying art and displayed on different items. And since mimics can be just about anything, it’s almost always funny. I’m personally a fan of this beach chair that looks like it can snap forward and eat an unsuspecting seat taker at any moment, but there are mugs, trays, pillows, shower curtains, notebooks … just about anything you could possibly hope isn’t secretly a monster waiting to consume you.
What’s your favorite piece of mimic memorabilia? What’s the weirdest thing a mimic has been disguised as during a D&D session? Would you take a chance with any of these mimic items? Let us know in the comments!
Happy Adventuring!